11/I Promise

754 26 13

Time Skip - Last Day Of School

I was walking with Semi around campus. He wanted to walk around the campus with me since this is going to be his last day here. This was actually the day I've been dreading the most. This is the day where we figure out how to make our relationship work.

He's going to be off in college while I'm going to become a third year. It is really nerve wracking for both of us. Semi feared Shirabu's advances towards me, but he also feared my father. He won't be here to protect me.

I feared the girls at his college. He's a good looking guy, and his personality is amazing. He's sassy, sarcastic, cool, caring, and a tad bit tsundere which I didn't mind at all. He's cool headed most of the time and he's so down to earth about everything. He's really funny and adorable and-.. everything a girl wants..

Semi: [y/n]?

I snapped out of my thoughts. I looked at Semi and he was looking right back at me. He gave me a small smile while I couldn't even try to put a smile on my face. I was terrified. I didn't want him to leave me.

Semi: What's on your mind princess?

You: just... you're leaving me...

Semi seemed to be hurt by my words. His once soft and caring expression turned sad and worried. He grabbed my hand and he had a small smile on his face.

Semi: I'm not going to leave you. I'll be here every day to come see you-

You: You know that's not true... Nor is it fair..

Semi: What do you mean?

You: You can't give up all your time just to come here and see me. You can't make me number one anymore.

Semi: But you're all I care about.

You: Music. Volleyball. Your friends. You can't give up what you love for me.

Semi: I'm going to be here for you. I'm not leaving you.

You: Semi-

Semi: I love you. More than anything else. I'm going to protect you, and give you as much time as I can.

You: But what about the college. You wanted to go to Tokyo-

Semi: I didn't get accepted.

You: W-what?

Semi: I didn't get accepted so I'm going to a college here in Miyagi. I won't be as far as you think.

I sighed and a small smile came across my face. Knowing he is closer makes me feel better. Honestly, I'm kind of happy he didn't get accepted in Tokyo but that's pretty selfish huh.

I hugged Semi and he hugged me back tightly. It hurt a lot to know I won't see him around school or eat lunch with him anymore but I still had the guys. Shirabu, Taichi, and Goshiki. I'll support them as much as I can. I'll pick up where the third years left off.

Semi: Hey princess..

You: Yeah Semi?

Semi: I wanted to give you this.

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