16/Sleepy Sickness

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Time Skip A Few Days

I woke up sluggishly like usual. I woke up before the alarm so I turned it off. I looked over at Semi to see him in a deep sleep.

I went to say good morning to him but I couldn't. My words wouldn't come out if my mouth. My throat felt dry and scratchy.

I got up out of bed and got myself some water. I finished the entire cup of water and tried to speak but nothing worked. If anything, my throat got worse.

I walked back to the bedroom to see Semi just waking up. He rolled over in the bed and he sat up quickly, realizing I was gone. He looked around and found me standing in the door way.

Semi: Good morning princess.

I tried to say good morning back it was more of a wheeze and a sad excuse for vocal chords. Semi got out of bed quickly and he came up to me. He cupped my face and he had a sad look on his face.

He felt my forehead and his eyes widened. He scooped me up in his arms and he carried me back to bed. He tucked me up in the blankets and he felt my forehead again.

Semi: You've got a high fever. Is there anything I can do for you princess?

I looked into Semi's eyes. He looked like a sad puppy. He sighed and got up and left the room. I rolled onto my side and looked out our balcony doors. There was two beautiful birds sitting on the balcony railing.

I sat up in bed and looked at the two birds. The would mess with the plants I had sitting outside on a table or they'd just walk along the railing. I smiled at the birds. They seemed so happy playing together.

Semi came back in with a cold cloth and some tea. He gave me a smile and I gave him a small smile back. He set the tea and cloth down on the nightstand and he sat next to me.

He pulled the blanket around me and kissed my cheek. I laid my head on his shoulder and we looked out the balcony together.

After a bit, I laid back down. Semi put the blanket over me and he set the cold cloth on my forehead. I drank the tea slowly while Semi stayed by my side.

Semi: Do you want to shower princess?

I nodded my head slightly while taking a sip of tea. I set it down on the nightstand and sat on the edge of the bed. Semi picked me up and carried me to our bathroom.

We took a shower together and Semi was just being an angel to me. Helped me do my hair, he set me under the hot water for as long as possible,  he put me in a towel and dried me off, he helped me get dressed.

I brushed my teeth on my own though. He said he'd go get me some medicine and snacks so I'd feel better.

I dragged myself back to bed and I curled up in the blankets. I watched some YouTube videos on my phone as I cuddled my pillow. I fell asleep shortly after.

Semi's POV

I came back to the apartment with some stuff for [y/n]. I got her some of her favorite snacks and candy, some medicine, and some soups for her to eat.

I hated seeing her sick.

I like hearing her voice and seeing her happy. She loved baking and cuddling. Drawing and painting. I like it when I can come home and she's always got something for me. She always made me small little presents. Small drawings or origami, some times she even has a treat for me.

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