15/Comfy Days

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✨ f l u f f ✨

Time Skip - November - Living In Apartment

Semi and I's alarm went off. I sluggishly sat up in bed and turned off the alarm. I looked over at Semi to see him still asleep. I kissed his forehead and smiled. I whispered softly-

You: Happy birthday Eita~

A small smile came upon Semi's face. He opened his tired eyes and looked at me.

Semi: Come here'

Semi held out his arms. I cuddled up next to him and he held me in his arms. He kissed the top of my head as I buried my face into his chest.

After a few minutes, I decided to move and get up. I got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen. I started to make some tea and go through my social media on my phone.

Same stuff as always. A bunch of art stuff and sponsor posts from my favorite creators. Everything was normal till I saw a post from Hayato.

It was picture of him and Ushijima at the beach. Ushijima seemed unbothered while Hayato posed with a peace sign.

The reason why this caught me off guard was Hayato's and Ushijima's bodies.

Frickin immaculant~

Semi: Princess? Are you okay?

You: Hm? Yeah why?

Semi: Your face is like burning red.

I looked up at Semi to see standing in the doorway of our bedroom. Shirtless and in shorts as always. I felt my face burn even more and he laughed at me.

I looked back down at my phone and scrolled away from the photo of Hayato and Ushijima. I hated myself for finding it attractive. I'm madly in love with Semi but damn~

Semi hugged me from behind and nuzzled his face into my neck. He kissed my cheek and he looked at my phone with me. He mumbled every time I liked another one of the guys pictures.

I giggled everytime he did. I just went onto my explore page and looked at art stuff. I handed Semi my phone as I finished up our tea and poured us our cups.

We usually had tea when we wake up and then eat breakfast. I didn't like coffee all that much and Semi just didn't want to be addicted to the caffeine.

I went to hand Semi a cup but he was so looking intently at my phone. He looked up at me with a puzzled look and then back down at my phone.

You: What?

Semi gave me a blank look as he handed me my phone. It was the post of Hayato and Ushijima. I looked blankly at the picture before Semi retracted his hand with my phone. He took the tea and he gave me a smile.

I grabbed mine and sat on our couch, feeling the blush run to my face. Semi came over and he set his tea down on the table before laying down. He laid his head down on my lap while we watched TV. I played with his hair and I saw a small smile on his face.

You: Do you have class or practice today?

Semi: No. Why?

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