. f i v e .

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taeyong never saw the baby that day and he was lucky. but it's now the next week and jaehyun took his son to work again. this time is because he just didn't want to leave the boy out of his sight. he sometimes felt like it but before then, he used to skip work to be with his son.

he carried the baby going to the elevator with another baby bag in hand and his satchel hanging on his shoulder. 

"good morning, mr. jung." the staff greeted as the elevator opened.

"good morning to you too, baby say good morning to dada's employees." he smiled at the baby on his left. "gib mownim." 

the employees cooed as they heard the tiny man speak. "do good today." he said before stepping out of the elevator.

he walked and greeted every employee he passed by and continued his way to his office. to his luck, he didn't run into taeyong on his way there. although, he gave up on taeyong, he couldn't deny the the feelings that continue to grow inside him. he brushed all of it off everyday and forced himself to stay calm with his secretary.

when it was said that he didn't run into taeyong, he most certainly did in his office. as he opened the doors, taeyong was there--arranging his documents, along with his coffee.

clearly, he wasn't early enough, hence taeyong having his coffee inside his office. he figured taeyong hasn't seen him yet, and so he was about to turn his back but the secretary spoke.

"good morning mr. jun--"

and taeyong was stopped when he saw the child.

can it be? he thought.

taeyong was spacing out in his desk. he couldn't get any work done with what he saw. mr. jung and a baby? he thought.

it's impossible. it's impossible. he thought one more time. his mind was going hazy. his worksheets on the desk have been abandoned and so was his screen filled with different words and numbers. he rests his head against both palms and rubbed his face slightly.


his train of thoughts were erupted by the sound of jungwoo's voice. he looked at the boy with a creased brow. "i-i mean, secretary lee." he cleared his throat and looked down.

"here's the waiver to be signed by mr. qian for the meeting later. and here are the rest of the schedules. you asked me to finish." he was handed different folders and was left with them as he stared at them dumbfoundedly.

suddenly, there was a call from the phone beside him. he stared for a good second before picking up the machine. "y-yes, mr. jung?"

he cursed himself silently for stuttering. he rubbed his forehead annoyingly waiting for the boss to respond.

"what do we have for lunch, mr. lee?" he asks.

the secretary fumbled with the folder on his right as he looked over the menu for what his boss might want today. "there's beef bourguignon, sir, or do you want the spicy pork like the usual? shall i order it from your favorite place?"

"yes, i'm going with the spicy pork. and get something for my son. any chance there's steamed vegetables? or those fluffy scrambled eggs? and potatoes too. do you think chicken would be good? oh and no raisins, he doesn't like them. add some fruits too, will you? and--"

taeyong listened to how his boss rammed on about baby food for his son. taeyong thought it was cute but he needed him to stop. "mr. jung! i'm sorry but you gotta stop. i'll get him steamed vegetables and mashed potatoes, i'll add fruit bits too, and i won't add raisins. i'll have milk ordered as his drink, pretty sure you'd want that. and you're having spicy pork with pineapple juice like the usual. anything else you want, mr. jung?"

the boss stopped for a while and taeyong felt the man smile from the other side of the phone. "ahh, nothing more, mr. lee. thank you. and get something for yourself too. use my card, alright?"

"uhh y-yes, mr. jung."

as the boss hung up, taeyong quickly dialed the most frequent number in the phone used for ordering his boss' lunch. it wasn't like this for taeyong all the time, but today he felt nervous around the man since the baby showed himself in his sight.

"mr. lee, the delivery is here."

taeyong saved every file open in the screen as he stretched his limbs and cracked his neck lightly. everyday routine. he thought. the delivery guy placed everything on the counter and had taeyong swipe his boss's card.

as soon as the guy left, he opened his drawer to pick out plates and utensils the way his boss likes it. by now, it's still a usual routine for taeyong to do. he kept clear white plates and shiny silver utensils along with tall glasses, specifically used only by the boss. it was taeyong's job and he was used to it since 4 years ago.

it wasn't part of his job description but he made it his because he cared about jaehyun so much that he does everything special for him. he just so happens to hide it discreetly--very discreetly. he kept everything organized and special for him because for one, he is the boss, and he actually likes him.

the food was transferred on the clean white plates as well as the baby food made for his son. he grabbed the tray and carefully walked towards the ceo's door that was right in front of his desk.

he knocked a couple times before opening the heavy glass doors.

"mr. jung, your lunch is here."

he walked over the couch and placed the tray down before serving the plates one by one. jaehyun took his son and walked to where his couch was. normally, he'd eat by his desk but he has his son with him so it'd be good to eat on the couch.

"your spicy pork, sir and of course your pineapple juice, i didn't have time to make the juice myself, i'm sorry. and steamed vegetables, mashed potatoes, with fruit bits and milk, no raisins, just how you like it, sir."

he pretty much sounded like a whole-ass waiter in a restaurant and he cursed in his head for being this uncomfortable with his boss. damn it, taeyong. he thought.

"chill out, lee. you're tense. did you have something for yourself like i asked you to?" the ceo asked.

"uhm yes sir. i'll eat later when i finish my work on the mer--"

"stop the work and go eat your lunch, lee. you can eat here if you want." he said without looking at his secretary. he started digging in for taeyang starting with mashed potatoes.

"that won't be necessary, sir. i'll have my lunch." he replied with a small smile but a shaky voice. he left the man to eat in peace without looking back.

goodness gracious, taeyong. why are you so tense? he thought. he smacked his head and had the employees look at him weirdly. he let out a small smile before walking towards his desk.

"dada's stupid, isn't he, taeyang? do you think dada's stupid?" he asks before feeding the baby with a steamed carrot.

the baby boy only shook his head before munching on the soft and wet vegetable. jaehyun sighed and cut out a piece for himself.

"yeah well, dada liked that guy. but dada's just shy which makes dada stupid because he couldn't tell him his feelings. dada's a coward, isn't he?" he faced the boy and smiled playfully.

the boy nodded in agreement and grinned back before opening his mouth for another bite. jaehyun quickly kissed his nose before feeding the child.

(A/N: happy birthday to lucas!! which is actually tomorrow but yeah LOL)

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