Chapter XIII

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James had spent the whole of his week just finding ways to take his mind of Karen. He found himself spending quiet a while with his finger hovering over her contact on his phone, his mind racing with his heart, making him feel inexplicably sick and happy at the same time. Yet, he didn't want to let his heart believe. They hadn't contacted each other after their little hang out despite having exchanged numbers and despite desperately wanting to.

He couldn't be happier that he worked for himself, and didn't even have a manager to reprimand him. He edited about four drafts sent to him in just one week. Four whole stories in a week just because he was trying to get rid of thoughts of a certain brunette.
This certain brunette wasn't doing much better either.

"Holy son of Satan, did you seriously not even think of telling me?? You said you were going to the library for research for your writing and didn't want me to tag along because I'm loud!" screeched the blonde at her best friend. "First of all, I don't think the son of Satan could be holy, considering he's the devil himself. Secondly, we're supposed to have a fun sleepover, not a screech session. It's freaking 1:30 in the morning, I don't want your neighbours banging down the door. Honestly, how do you even live alone? Third, I didn't tell you, Lay, because I knew this would be your reaction. Lastly, don't even try to deny it, you know you are loud." replied Karen, wondering how on earth she made friends with this hyperactive walnut in the first place, and how in the universe she was her only actual friend that stuck with her through everything, her best friend.

"You got his freaking number!"
"Well, he was lonely, and he thought I would make a good friend!"
"You two are friends?!"
"Lay, he's human too. A great one, yeah, but human. Don't act like he's God who's come down just to give you three wishes."
"I mean, I wouldn't know how good of a human he is, I don't know anything about him out of his professional life."
"Do you want me to ask him if you can come along when we hang out next time? Provided you shush your fangirl self before you make him uncomfortable, he seems pretty awkward around new people."
"Hang out with him?!? Next time??!?"

Sighing deeply, Karen proceeded to give her friend all the details of the meeting, trying to make her see that James was more than his writing, that he was a genuinely good person.

In the end, she found herself finally messaging him because of her friend's pestering. Besides, liked hanging out with someone else for a change.

Sorry I'm still processing the fact that we're friends now.
Not complaining tho!
You're a really nice person, you know, at least from what you showed me.
Ok sorry, I'll stop.
How are you?

She was surprised to get a reply almost immediately. She was even more surprised by the fact that she wasn't wary of him.

Hey Karen! It's no problem, I understand. In fact I'm still processing it too, I just spontaneously made a friend after isolating myself for years.
I mean, I'm not regretting it, but I'm just surprised?

'Lies.' yelled James' mind at him. 'You know it wasn't spontaneous, James.'

Looks like we both share a habit😆
I tend to ramble to avoid awkward situations or when I'm nervous lol.

Do i make you nervous?

Not really it's fine.
So,do you want to hang out again sometime?

Of course!
I've been wanting to ask you actually
It was fun last time

Yea it was
Hey, you know how I started reading your writing in the first place?

I haven't really interacted with any....admirers
I would like to know

My friend, Layla
The blonde you saw me with
She really loves reading, I do too but I read classics more
So she really loves your work
And she showed me a picture one day
And you looked vaguely familiar
Like I knew you but didn't
And I really wanted to know more about you, I don't know why
But obviously you haven't out out anything about your personal life
So yea

James'heart skipped a beat reading that. The inexplicable feeling was back again.

That's weird
But I'm glad I met you, I wanna make more friends who don't really care about me as a writer but me as a person
Anyways, how about we hang out tomorrow?

Sounds like a plan
How about at the park near the cafe?
It's a nice place

See you tomorrow then
Bye, goodnight!

Goodnight, see you tomorrow

Sighing again, Karen out away her phone, turning onto her side and and coming face to face with her sleeping friend. Layla had told her to first get comfortable with him, and then if he wanted, introduce them, because Karen had mentioned him being awkward around new people. Karen was glad she had such an understanding bestie, despite how on odious she could be sometimes.

Why am I nervous for tomorrow? We're just going to hang out!

Little did she know that not too far away, a certain black haired writer was thinking the exact same thing while absent mindedly dumping a ridiculous amount of sugar into his coffee, again, trying to distract himself by staying up and working.

Tomorrow is going to be one long day.

Well, if only they'd known just how long of a day it was going to be.

This has to be the most sloppily written chapter so far
Point out the mistakes so I can correct them.

Thanks for reading!



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