The Past.

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Trigger warning: trauma, murder, and mention of slight cuts.

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The loud sound from the thunder causing your eleven year old self to startle awake. You hear the wind wishing, you see the bright lightning outside, making you flinch as you looked out the window.

Getting up from your bed very gently and leisurely, you slowly creak your bedroom door open to make minimum sound.

The house had a different contrast from outside, it was calm and quiet inside, while outside was almost horrifying by the weather Mother Nature had created.

Walking down each step on the stairs in a relaxed manner, carefully trying not to be heard. Than you thought, why are you going down stairs? Realizing that you had finished your glass of water that was set on the nightstand, you decide to head to the kitchen. Walking towards the kitchen, you opened the cabinet to grab a glass while standing on your tippy toes, gently shutting the cabinet after. Gripping the glass with two hands, so your little hands won't release its grasp. You head over to the sink to pour in water into the shiny glass cup.

You decided to head to the living room to read a book and enjoy your tasteless beverage. Before you even made it to the couch, fear came rushing in once you see splattered blood everywhere. While looking around the room, your head was telling you to run, and you wish you did. Pain comes and goes they say, but right now seeing your mother with her eyes wide open, laying there on the cold floor only brought pain to your eleven year old self.

The glass water drops on the floor which made tiny pieces of glass cut onto your bare feet. Tears flooding your eyes as you take in the worst event of  your existence.

You hesitate before running outside to call someone for help, opening the front door, you see your father on the porch struggling to stay alive with a bullet wound underneath his heart. More sobs came.

The pain in your feet as you ran to your neighbors house not bothering you, just the pain in your damaged heart.

Seconds or minutes later, everything went pitch black.

You were taken.

You spend six years being emotionless, but the creation of books helping you during that miserable time. The unknown men spent their years spending time on you and other people around your age, the cruel men being pleased during torturing and being the ones in control.

The only way you knew about the date, time, and year was because of your brain, even though being traumatized throughout the years you knew not to be hopeless. Being hopeful actually came through.

It was your seventeenth birthday, the sound of the incoming police sirens and ambulances made you crack a smile for the first time in years. It was time to leave this shit place, the best present you could ask for; well there was another... but it wasn't possible.

Walking out of the place, you see your father well and alive. It felt like a dream, but it wasn't. The two of you running to each other barely even noticing the different presences. Dad looked much older with gray hairs and eye bags underneath his eyes. You went through body and personality changes, your short brown hair had gotten longer, the world seemed more clearly to you than it was before, because you've grown much older.


Many years later, having your own apartment, being best friends and having a job at Interpole with a woman known as Emily Prentiss. Life was good again so far. You never worried about college so much; because after several years, you had became a genius with an IQ of 179 and a PhD in psychology.

"Trauma creates the need for you to recreate yourself " - Sherri Mandell. Those words being repeated to yourself every night to help you throughout life.

Many things happened and are about to happen Out Of The Blue.

Author's note:

Hello! Here's Y/n's past. I'm planning on updating the ACTUAL chapters before Christmas.

School gets on my nerves, but I'll try to update often.

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