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It was 9:00 am in the morning, you woke up having the decision to head to book store.

You pulled your white bed sheets to the side, groaning as the bright sun hits your eyes through your bedroom window. Causing you to squeeze your eyes shut again in your sitting position on the edge of your bed.

You get up from your comfortable bed, walking leisurely over to your bathroom to freshen up. You then walk over to your closet in no rush.

You put on a dark green sweater tucked into a pair of mom jeans. Walking back to the bathroom, you apply a little amount of makeup onto your bare face, and sprayed a scented flowery perfume on your body.

Grabbing your black converse, you put them on, cuffing your jeans a little higher up your ankle after. You then head to the front door, grabbing your wristlet wallet on the way out.

When you arrived at the bookstore, the excitement rushes into your body from the books that awaited for you inside. You get off your car, approaching the entrance of the store. Pulling the golden colored handle of the brown wooden door, the inside revealed a two story place full of bookshelves and a cafe in the corner.

As you headed towards the different bookshelves, you ran your finger through the books, stopping just at the right ones to add to the collection that bundled up in your arms.

You spent about a hour picking out a few books on different genres and languages, before going to the register to pay for them.

After you payed for the books, you went over to the small little cafe at the left corner of the bookstore.

You ordered a pumpkin spice latte since it was the beginning of one of your favorite seasons, fall. You took the drink from the barista hands, thanking her as you do.

You looked around the warm place, trying to find some type of comfort to sit on. You sat down on the patterned arm chair, setting majority of your books down on the coffee table, while gripping the coffee with one hand.

You admired the front cover of the book and shortly flipped to the first chapter of the book to instantly begin reading.

The sound of the coffee machines being muffled, caused by the book letting you escape into another reality. And the smell of coffee being a delightful scent to your nose as you read along to each and every word on the chapters.

Twenty minutes later, you here a familiar voice in front of you repeatedly saying your name. You lifted your gaze from the book to the genius standing in front of you, Spencer Reid.

𝐎𝐮𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞. {𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐝}Where stories live. Discover now