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I finally updated, after a while.


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The team had finished off a long case, dealing with multiple body's found dead at a construction site. The unsub turned out to be one of the employees after several of evidence, and himself admitting to being the murder of those particular victims during questioning.

It was eleven o'clock at night, JJ's soft snores coming from the other bed beside you. Once the both of you got in the hotel room, she had immediately gone to sleep, but you couldn't bring yourself to sleep as usual.

You sat on the nicely made bed, staring at the unique painting that hanged on white wall. It was dark outside, the stars already shining to give out light. Just thinking about the beloved stars, grew your temptation to go outside and enjoy the sight from below.

You didn't know what was stopping you from making a simple decision, wether or not to go outside. Were you waiting for someone or something? Did you really want to be alone at this time? At times you were a mystery to yourself.
But when would that come to a end?

You've then overcame your stupid questioning, choosing to get out of the hotel room to go by the pool area. Sitting up from the bed, you walked over to the night stand to grab a couple of items that you may need to bring along with you. You grasped your items somewhat tightly, while gently shutting the hotel room door behind you to not wake JJ, who still laid there in the bed calmly sleeping.

You quietly walked your way towards the pool entrance, not even notice a figure following behind you. Opening the door that revealed a decent size pool and stars above that lit up the sky. The darkened sky looked beautiful. It was enthralling, no matter how many times you've repeatedly seen it.

You kick off your shoes before sitting on the pavement, laying your belongings on the ground as well. You scooted closer to ledge of the pool, putting your warm bare feet into the cold water, sending chills into your body.

Looking down at your body, you had forgotten that you were in your purple pajamas. You guess that was expected, due to the fact that you were supposed to be getting sleep to board the jet early in the morning tomorrow.

"Did you know that there are more stars than the naked eye can see during night? to see more of them you'll have to use a telescope to reveal the fainter stars," said a nearby voice. Almost as it was someone you know.

Viewing the tall figure, it was Spencer Walter Reid.

Of course.

𝐎𝐮𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞. {𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐝}Where stories live. Discover now