Last Wine

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Yoon Se Ri's POV

No. No. No.

This can't be serious. Oh my God. My tears are brimming as I look at the pregnancy test pack on the nightstand by my bed. Not only one but four self-test packs!

I'm positive. Pregnant. Ri Jeong Hyeok's baby.

It's his baby. The last time before I flew here I still had a menstrual period and after that, it's always with Jeong Hyeok. I used to take birth controls even though that I wasn't that active, to regulate my menstrual and it makes my skin supple. That's why I let him go all the way in me, and look where it takes me now.

What am I going to do now? I realize that I can't stay here forever. With several failed attempts on extracting my money out, I'm helpless. Dad has frozen my savings account, and he knows that sooner or later I will have to crawl back to Seoul. I can't even afford a plane ticket back to Seoul.

I'm thinking about reaching out to Jin Ah. I remember her phone number, and I make the call from my cellphone. Jin Ah is the only one I can trust. She's out of reach, and this is so unusual. Does she travel overseas?

I choose to type an e-mail to her.

Jin Ah, how are you there? sorry to put you all in confusion. I'm safe here, in Zürich. I need to go back home but I can't cash my money. Please help me. Send me a plane ticket home. I'll bring souvenirs. Kidding. I miss you.

"Se Ri, it's me," I hear a knock on the door. Jeong Hyeok.

I quickly throw all my test packs in the nightstand drawer and dabbed my eyes, wiping off the tears.

"Hi," he greets me with his handsome smile, kisses my cheek, and pushes me in. "I bring another Swiss wine."

I hold the bottle and read the label. 2007 Cave de la côte Oenoline la Côte. "How do I pronounce this correctly? Damn."

"You said the more you can't pronounce the sexier it sounds?" he winks.

"Yeah. But I can pronounce your name and you're still damn hot," I kiss his lips.

He bites my lower lip lightly and breaks the kiss. "You taste salty. Did you just cry?"

"I'm okay, really," I lie, and distract him with pulling for another kiss.

His hand sneaks under my chemise, caressing my waist and up to my belly. Like he is drawn to our baby.

Our baby.

Should I tell him? Maybe, but that means that I will be stuck in here forever. No.

My God, what am I thinking? This baby will need a father, born in a proper marriage bound. Will my Dad accept Jeong Hyeok? I'm not so sure. He tries to wed me with another businessman who would benefit our company. Jeong Hyeok is nice, but he is a lecturer working for his doctorate here. Besides, my life is in Seoul, not here in Zurich.

That night, Jeong Hyeok and I make love again. So sweet, gentle, and full of desire. I look deep down on his eyes as I come. After he shudders releasing inside of me, he whispers the three magic words before my name.

"I love you, Yoon Se Ri."

"I...I love you too, Ri Jeong Hyeok," is all I can say as I slowly back down from the hilt he has just taken me to.

Running my fingers on his hair, I pull his face closer to me and kiss the father of my baby.

"Babe," he kisses my earlobe as we cuddling on the bed.


"I'm going to sleepover here tonight."

"Sure. But how did you tell your parents though?"

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