Day at Hogsmeade

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The yellow morning sun had risen, overlooking the fresh coat of sparkling white snow that now completely covered the grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

You woke up to warm beams of sunlight glowing atop your skin. You sat up and realized slowly that you were the only one in your dormitory. The floor, ever so gently, vibrated beneath your feet from the loud chatter buzzing from the Gryffindor common room below.

"Hogsmeade today, that's right!" You said finally understanding the empty beds beside you as you threw on a thick, cozy cardigan and began to make your way down to the common room.

The energy in the common room could brighten the worst of days, especially when Ron, Harry, and Hermoine were there. They were your absolute best friends, you couldn't imagine life without them. Particularly Ron, who had recently become more than just a friend.

Nobody knew, but for the past few days, you and Ron had been sneaking down to the common room, late at night to talk and cuddle in each other's arms. Then spending the rest of the night enjoying each other's company before you both were too tired to continue, then leading to your dreadful departure from one another to your separate dormitories for some well-deserved sleep.

"Ready for Hogsmeade?" You shouted as you snuck up behind Ron, Harry, and Hermoine who were sitting on the couch by the warm fireplace, earning a few frightful jumps from each of them.

"(Y/N), we were just telling Ron that Harry and I can't make the trip today." Hermoine said with a forced frown.

"Sorry." Harry said with a nervous smile on his face. "Looks like it's just you and Ron today."

Ron turned his head, his eyes met yours. A small grin appeared on his face, making your heart pound in your chest as Ron's eyes glistened from the firelight.

"Wicked!" Ron said cheerfully.

Suddenly, Hermoine sat up from the worn-out couch, walking behind it where you were standing. She gently grabbed your arm and pulled you aside.

"You're welcome." Hermoine giggled.

"For what?" You said, pulling her into a corner of the common room, away from Harry and Ron.

"Harry and I aren't all that oblivious, (Y/N). We both see the way you and Ron look at each other." She said still giggling as you felt your cheeks starting to burn up tremendously. "So, Harry and I thought we'd stay back. Let you both have some alone time in Hogsmeade. A first date essentially." She rolled her eyes sarcastically.

"It's really that obvious, you know? Ron and I?" You said in shock.

"(Y/N)" Hermoine's giggling made a comeback, "You're always so close together, studying with one another, and he has even become so much more protective over you when other boys are present. He really likes you (Y/N). You mean a great deal to him, at least that's what he's been telling Harry."

You join Hermoine's laughter, adding a string of embarrassed giggling.

"I think I'm owed a 'Thank you', am I not?" Hermoine pulled you in for a hug.

"Thanks, Mione. I don't deserve friends like you and Harry, truly." You said in her ear as you embrace in a tight, friendly embrace.

"You must tell me everything once you get back. Ginny and I will be dying to know." Hermoine said with a big toothy smile.

"You girls will be the first I fill in!" You said as you turned your head to look at your favorite red-headed boy, who was laughing with Harry, still sat on the old maroon couch.


"You look bundled up, eh?" Ron smiled lightly as he observed your over the top winter apparel.

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