Snuggles at the Burrow

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"I can't believe I scored on him!" You snigger at Fred, George, and Ginny knowing all well that Ron can clearly hear as you collectively walk back to the burrow after playing a long game of quidditch out in the field.

"It'll never happen again! With more practice, I'll be the best keeper Hogwarts has ever seen!" Ron says with immense pride as he playfully nudges your shoulder.

Fred and George begin to laugh while Ginny rolls her eyes in response.

"Race you all inside?" Fred suggests to the group, "The last one inside has to help Mum clean up dinner tonight!"

You and Ron took off running towards The Burrow leaving everyone else in your tracks. Once you reached the house, you were welcomed back by Mrs. Weasley who was busy cooking dinner for the night.

"I'm completely knackered!" Ron groaned, "How are you feeling?"

"I've got enough energy to score a few more goals on my favorite red-headed boy." You tease flashing a wide smile.

"Blimey (Y/N)! You always know how to wind me up!" Ron says smiling but not without a small eye-roll, "I want cuddles." His eyes look ever so convincing.

"I was just going to suggest the same exact thing, Ronald. Lead the way!" You say as Ron holds out his hand leading you up the long, rickety wooden staircase to his bedroom.

As you step inside Ron's room an overwhelming smell of cinnamon and flannel met your nostrils. Ron's room was extremely tiny but extraordinarily cozy. You thought it was humorous yet adorable that Ron sported his favorite quidditch team all throughout his room too. From the floor up, the walls were decorated, drowning in Chudley Cannons merchandise. Even his bedsheets repped the team's vibrant colors of red, orange, and black.

"What are you waiting for? Get in here!" Ron exaggerates as he sits on his bed pulling up the covers, motioning for you to get inside.

"You don't have to tell me twice." You say shuffling your feet quickly across the uneven wooden floorboards.

You jump on top of Ron forcing his arm and the covers grasped in his hand to flatten. Ron grunts at the impact but begins to laugh. He cups your cheeks into his gentle grip, pulling your face close to his. You match your foreheads together. You can feel his breath on your lips making them tingle as you eagerly await a kiss. You hold on for a few moments longer, one of Ron's hands now twirling a section of your hair in between his pale, freckled fingers. With his other hand on your cheek, he softly shifts your chin to lean closer so your lips can meet effortlessly. He places a quick kiss on your nose before finally, uniting his soft, pink lips to yours. They move swiftly together making your stomach fill with sparks.

You release from his lips after making out for what could have been hours, "I love you", you say as Ron begins to help cover you up with the blankets in which he was already entangled.

"I love you more." Ron smiles and tucks your hair behind your ear.

You smile in response turning your back to him, scooting right up against his chest. Ron's favorite cuddle position is little spoon but he promised you you could be the little spoon this next time. You felt the warmth of Ron's chest on your back, heating you up instantly. Suddenly, you felt one of Ron's arms snake around your waist pulling you even closer to him. Your bum pressed right up against his crotch. His head nestled softly into your neck.

"This feels so nice." You let out a comfortable breath before speaking again, "Especially after all that hard work I put forth today as I completely whooped your arse!" You try hard not to laugh at your own pity but a few giggles do eventually slip past your lips.

"Bloody hell here we go again." Ron whimpers as you feel his words trickle down your neck, "I'll turn over if you don't stop!"

"You're such a baby Ronald! I'm just teasing you, that's all." You imply.

"Good." Ron whispers in your ear quite seductively. This sends shivers down your spine.

"I'll go easy on you next time, okay?" You mumble under your breath as another fit of untimely giggles approach.

"I hate you!" Ron shakes his head disapprovingly into your neck, letting out an exhausted laugh making your heart soar. His laugh was one of your favorite things about him, "Let's try and sneak a nap in before dinner, eh?"

You hum in approval. Ron stretches his head to reach your bare shoulder, leaving a kiss upon it right before nuzzling his head back into your neck. His grip around you tightened making you feel safe and loved with every bit of his heart. Your eyes began to feel heavy and with that, you were asleep.

A/N: Hello everyone! School has introduced much stress into my life recently, hence fewer chapters being posted. Sorry, about that but I did whip this up today with all the free time that I could muster. It's not great but it's still very cute! I hope you all are staying safe and healthy, much love. Thanks for reading :)

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