Christmas Surprise

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*This takes place during year 5*

"Good morning!" a voice you recognized as your fellow roommate, Hermoine Granger, sang whilst everyone else was asleep, including yourself, "Merry Christmas!"

Both, you and Ginny, groaned as you were awoken by Hermoine's overly high-spirited voice that was bouncing off your dormitory walls at such an unreasonably, early hour.

"Merry Christmas to you too, now back to bed before my mood worsens any further." Groaned Ginny as she shot Hermoine a very distasteful look, slowly gluing her head back down to her pillow.

"That's not the Christmas spirit, Gin!" Hermoine took a seat on the foot of your four-poster. "(Y/N), I'd snuck down to the common room earlier this morning to have a little peek at the gifts and it seems that you have one extra parcel than you normally would each year. Any idea who it could be from?"

Hermoine's words seemed to have piqued Ginny's interest. She sat up steadily, a small smile began to stretch across her lips. You turned to face Ginny, your eyebrows furrowed.

"What's the matter?" You said softly, trying not to work yourself up at such an early hour.

"I'm surprised Fred and Geroge haven't run their mouths off to you, yet!" Giggled Ginny.

"Ginny, I hate being in the dark, you know." You moaned, putting on your best puppy eyes, "Please tell me!"

"You'll just have to wait and see." Ginny's smile turned into a seemingly deceiving grin, "You'll love it, don't worry."

Ginny looked at Hermoine once more, throwing yet another distinguishing look her way. This time, she raised her eyebrows with a devilish smile on her face, eyes widened as if she was trying to read her mind.

"Oh! That's right!" Piped Hermoine, "How could I forget! Oh (Y/N), you're going to be absolutely delighted."

You didn't know how to feel and your face resembled just that. Your eyebrows still furrowed, possibly a bit more dramatic than they had been before and a crooked smile now pressed upon your lips.

"You girls enrage me sometimes, don't you understand?" You said scrunching your nose to what you believed made you look intimidating, but in reality, you were making yourself look like an absolute git, "Fine, I suppose I'll find out what all this fuss is about in a short while anyway."

Adrenaline now coursing through your veins, you suddenly had the energy to get up out of bed, and ready yourself to face all your fellow Gryffindor housemates, down in the common room to open gifts. Ginny followed suit. Already, seeing that Hermoine had most likely been ready for a long while, it motivated you and Ginny to quicken your morning routines.

A sudden buzzing of chatter slowly started to creep up from underneath the floorboards in which you stood upon.

"As it seems that people are down in the common room already, I'll see myself out." Hermoine spoke as she made her way to the stairs, "Are you both ready?"

You and Ginny both replied with a happily forced, "Yep!", and followed Hermoine down the spiral staircase.

With each step down the concrete staircase, the excited and festive voices emitting from the common room continued to grow. Christmas seemed to be Hogwart's favorite holiday to celebrate with lavish decor covering every inch of the school grounds and beyond, nothing could beat it.

"Brilliant!" Called Harry as he stood in front of the large, overly decorated, Christmas tree that was centered in the middle of the common room, "You're the last ones to come down."

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