Dancing In The Common Room

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You lay awake in your bed as if sleep was never to meet your restless body. Your mind was set on one thing and one thing only, Ronald Billius Weasley. It wasn't an uncommon occurrence that this was to happen. It was as if he lived within your wit rent-free.

Ron promised he'd meet you down in the common room late in the night to ensure that it was absolutely empty. He said there was something he had been waiting all day to show you. You had no inkling as to what this certain something could be but you weren't going to wait a single second longer to find out.

You carefully slip out of your crimson silk sheets, placing your bare feet into your plushy sherpa slippers that reside at your bedside. You slowly tiptoe across the old wooden floorboards in hopes none of them would creek loud enough to wake your dorm mates, Ginny Weasley, Angelina Johnson, and Hermione Granger. Reluctantly, you made it to the stone stairwell interruption-free. With every step leading you closer down to the common room, the sound of soft classical music began to reach your ears. You make it to the very last step and the sight of Ron fumbling about with a massive old record player meets your glistening eyes.

You lean against the archway of the stairs not making too much movement as you watch Ron struggle to operate the ancient phonograph correctly. Ron is entirely oblivious to your presence. Before you could stop yourself, a giggle slips past your lips earning an unexpectedly frightened reaction from Ron. The song that was playing was immediately muffled by a rather irritating scratching noise as Ron accidentally drops the needle harshly on the vinyl's grooves. Ron's face resembles that of absolute terror and embarrassment. Only he is capable of mixing two emotions into one facial expression.

"Hi", You smile as you slowly start making your way towards Ron and the source of the tunes.

"Hey", Ron says as his voice quivers with shock, finally lifting the needle off the record. The room was silent but a smile started to appear across Ron's pink lips, "Now that you've seen it, here's what I wanted to show you."

"A record player?" You ask for clarity.

"Yeah, it's bloody brilliant innit?" Ron's cheeks flood with a harsh shade of red that reflects that of a rose petal.

"I absolutely adore it but where did you get it?" Your brows furrow with confusion.

"The room of requirement o' course!" Ron says excitedly as he begins to flick through some dusty old records in a bin nearby.

"You went through all the troubles of getting inside that room for this old thing?" You smile and tease as you run your fingers through Ron's fiery locks.

"I haven't done anything special for you lately so I decided to walk past that specific area on the seventh floor, you know the one, three times." Ron begins to explain how to make the door to the Room of Requirement take shape, "Then I thought of something that would make you happy and suddenly the door appeared! I slipped inside quickly and the first object I saw was this" He points to the record player with gentle eyes.

Your smile widens more than you had anticipated, "So that's where you snuck off to today. I was worried!"

"You were talking with Hermione. It was the perfect time to slip away!" Ron laughed leaning forward kissing your forehead, "Here's what I was thinking."

"And what is that Ronald?"

"Since the Yule Ball is coming up I thought we could learn how to slow dance together; make a date out of it, you know?" Ron said as his eyes glowed with hope.

"Just when I thought you couldn't one-up the last date you'd planned, here we are. You're something else, Ronald!" You say as you rapidly throw your arms around him, embracing him with all your might, "I love it!" You whisper in his ear as he snakes his arms around your waist, tightening his grip.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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