Chapter 2

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A/N: A short chapter. Enjoy!

"So, I ended up pretending that Kurt was my boyfriend was better than nothing." Mercedes finished as they continued to snack on ice cream at the dining room table. "Wow." Sam said as he looked up from taking a bite. "And was it better than the short relationship you had with Puck?" Mercedes shrugged as she ate some more. "I think I was just grasping for anything. I talk a good game when it comes to being alone. I mean, I don't need a man." She paused with the spoon in the air as she gave it some thought. "But that doesn't mean that having one is a bad thing." She admitted before they quietly finished their ice cream sundaes.

They emptied their bowls before Mercedes got up to take them to the kitchen and placed them in the dishwasher. When she finished, they both heard the phone rang. She went to  answer it while Sam walked towards the living room.  He walked in to see the room decorated with nice furniture and pictures of Mercedes with who looked like her family. Her mom, dad, and older brother. He noticed the homey feel the place had while he glanced at the bookshelf full of movies. Sam let his eyes skim the titles before his eyes lit up on the name of one movie. He grinned as he wondered if he could stay a bit longer.

"Okay, dad. Tell mom, I love her. See you Sunday night. I love you. Bye." She said before hanging up. Exhaling a deep sigh, she assumed he was ready to go. She glanced at the clock in the kitchen read it was past midnight. The clock finally struck and it was time to go back to being Mercedes Jones. She looked at her dress before heading upstairs to change.

Sam popped the dvd in and took off his bolo tie off, slipping it in his jacket pocket  while he sat down. As the title credit appeared on the screen, he unbutton the top two buttons before slipping off his suit jacket to draped it on the arm of the couch. Sam got comfortable as he started to get into this movie. Mercedes hung up her dress in her closet as she went to the mirror, dressed in her pajamas and footie socks. She began to take pins and clips out of her hair before she wrapped her head up in a satin scarf. Mercedes figured since Sam probably left already, she would go downstairs and watch some cable tv.

Leaving out of her room she heard the tv's surround sound on. The TV's sound effects caused her to quickly go downstairs to the living room before she froze at the entrance. There she saw the back of Sam's head as he sat there quoting lines from Star Wars. Amazed at the sight, she softly walked up and placed a hand upon his shoulder causing him to look up. "Mercedes! About time you came back." Sam said with a smile as she walked around the couch. She stood in front of him before moving to sit down next to him. "Sam?" She said with surprise. "What are you still doing here?" 

Sam paused the movie and looked at her. "Well, I wasn't going to leave until I said goodbye. After you carried the dishes in the kitchen, I heard the phone ring. So, I looked around in the living room and saw this movie." He explained as he held up the cover to the movie as he grinned. "One of my favorites. I know every line. While I waited for you to come back I started to watch. I just didn't know you would be gone for an hour." 

Mercedes kept a look of surprise upon her face while speaking. "I went to change, shower, and get into my bed clothes. The only reason I came back down was I didn't want to fall asleep in the house alone. My parents decided to stay at a hotel and have some fun for the weekend. I was going to watch something on cable."

Sam noticed the blankets and pillow in her hands before he took them from her grasp. "Well, if you don't mind the company I would like to hang out with you longer." Sam told her as he watched Mercedes fight a small smile and nodded. Sam sighed happy as he helped her with the pillow behind their heads. Mercedes covered them both with the blankets, to fight the chill of the ac blowing from the vents in the room. They got comfortable while Sam pressed play to continue the movie.

The movie played on before Mercedes began to relax next to Sam. The prom, eating, and taking a shower did her body in causing her to fall asleep. Her head started to slip down some when Sam turned towards her to say something. His face was inches from hers as he could smell cinnamon toothpaste and mouthwash from her lips. He frowned at the fact he was comfortable watching her instead of one of his favorite movies of all time. Sam watched her move some until she was curled sitting up and turned towards him. He turned towards her as she snuggled next to him under the blankets more.

Sam didn't realize he continued to stare at Mercedes while moving towards her. Before he knew it, his lips captured hers and gave her a small, soft kiss. A sleeping Mercedes kissed him back before he pulled away. He noticed her mouth slightly open, waiting for more. He smiled as he let his thumb graze across her lips while he bit down on his bottom lip. He wondered if she would mind if he held her as she slept. His answer came in the form of Mercedes sighing as she snuggled closer to Sam. He took her in his arms and held her  before he watched the rest of the movie until the end. He turned the movie off then turned on cable tv before he went to staring at her, peaceful in his arms until he fell asleep himself.

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