Not Quite Right

207 4 15


School is tiring TwT But I have gaming headphones now :DDDD And I'm crying over my seaweed bc hoomans like my story and I haven't updated in ages-

Y/N's P.O.V.

I grin brightly, I'm so happy that I could make everyone smile after everything that happened, it's the least I could do after all. I carefully put away the rest of the clutter before making sure everyone is comfortable, by the time I do Chica comes down the stairs with a fresh batch of brownies.

"Brownies are done!" She holds up her paper happily as she puts down the brownies.

"Awesome!" I grin brightly and put the brownies down on a table in the middle of the room before looking at Chica. "You just get comfortable, mkay?"

She nods before sitting on one of the beds next to Foxy. I sigh and go upstairs to get some plates to put brownies on for everyone. After this I'll just make sure they're all comfortable in their beds and they should be out like lights after everything we been through.

Suddenly an arm wraps around my waist and pulls me close. I pick up the knife I was using to cut the brownies and raise it to the side of the newcomer's neck.

"Calm down, princess!" Isamu. He takes a step back from me before sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. "I just figured you'd want a little affection since you've gone through so much today..."

I slowly lower the knife and put it down. "Sorry, I'm just a tad on edge still..."

I look down and Isamu wraps his arms around me again, pressing a light kiss to my neck. "It's okay, princess. I'm sure we all are..."

I stay quiet as Isamu nuzzles into my neck his hair lightly brushing against my ear before continuing to cut up the brownie. It feels weird somehow... After everything it feels weird to be cuddled by my boyfriend... I look down at the brownies as I place them on plates and Isamu pulls me a little closer to himself. 

It's not like Isamu's changed much at all... Well, he seems more driven now, but that's a positive change... So why does it feel so weird when it didn't feel weird before..? I open the cabinet silently to get a cup when Isamu takes my wrist and lightly kisses it.

"Y/n..." His soft brown eyes meet mine. "Are you feeling alright...? I mean a lot happened and..." 

And I almost died... more than once.

He quietly lowers my hand and pulls away from me just the slightest bit. "I was really worried about you.. and when I saw you hurt..."

I can't seem to look at him. "I know... Isa... I'm fine though, so don't worry about me okay?"

I manage to look up at him and give him a soft, reassuring smile. His expression of worry softens almost immediately before he hugs me close happily. 

It doesn't feel right...

Time skip~

Bonnie's P.O.V.

I glance at the time. 10 AM. It's been at least an hour since Y/n turned out the lights and went to her room. She told us where to find her room in case we need her, but I don't really want to just walk around her house... I sit up and look around, it looks like everyone else is sleeping... Well, at this rate I won't be going to sleep anytime soon... I guess, I might as well go see Y/n.

I get up and silently make my way up the stairs, through the kitchen and living room, up the second set of stairs, and to Y/n's room. I silently knock on the door, before the door opens I hear barking followed by Y/n telling someone or something to calm down before she opens the door. She's wearing a pair of pajama pants and shirt that fits so big on her that it falls off her shoulder a little. A large mastiff stands next to her, and sniffs at my feet soundlessly.

"Mm... Bonnie?" she rubs her eye sleepily.

That's when I realize that I didn't bring paper and pencil so I could talk to Y/n properly. Luckily though, Y/n hands me a pad and pencil for me to write on after a moment of silence.

"I couldn't sleep" I hold the wirtten message up for Y/n to see.

"Oh..." She yawns and looks at me. "Well, I guess the sun would kind of make it hard to sleep..."

I nod quietly, that's not exactly why I can't sleep, but it's not liek eitehr of us want to talk about how our lives could come to a sudden end . 

"Well... You might as well come in..." She steps to the side so I could walk in.

The room is messy and her desk is covered in papers and books, she didn't bother to fix her bed when getting up and she has a space for the dog's bed and his food bowls. She plops down on the bed quietly and the dog jumps up next to her, resting his head in her lap, to which she pats his head. 

"So... Anything you want to talk about..?" She looks at me.

"Nothing in particular..." I hold up the paper.

"Mm... I could lecture you to sleep..." She continues petting the dog.

"No, thank you." I smile softly even though it hurts.

She closes her eyes, thinking for a moment and I can't help but stare at her. I wonder... I lean forward a little and brush some of Y/n's hair from her ear, her dog looks up at me quietly before letting out a huff and resting his head again. She turns her head to look at me and her brilliant eyes meet mine.

I lean back and scribble on my notepad. 

"Sorry, your hair is all messy." she puffs out her cheeks at the tease and I hold back a laugh, "I know it's been a long night and going into day... but-"

She freezes up and stares at the paper silently, her hand no longer petting her dog.


Now to go help my friends with DnD characters-

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