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Year 1

The Philosophers Stone

I sit up sharply and start to scream. My hair blows, the windows start to shatter, things are flying everywhere and everyone is holding their ears trying to block out my scream. A million things race through my mind. Did I just wake up from the dead again? Was I even dead? Am I alive? I stop screaming and start panting. I look around at everyone who looked like they have just seen a ghost.

"Quirrell is the one-" I try to say as I look at Madam Pomfrey.

"Who was working Voldemort. We know." She says. I nod and slump back down.

"Was?" I ask. 

"Was." She confirms.

She explains what happened when they went down there. Harry was in a bed next to me for a while too since Voldemort had whooshed through him somehow. I don't even know. They said how I wasn't breathing and I was dead when I was pulled out of the lake and they were able to unfreeze me and that's when I screamed and everything else happened. I see Dumbledore walk through the open doors to the hospital wing.

"Good afternoon, Y/N." Dumbledore says standing in front of my bed. "Tokens from your admirers."

"Admirers?" I question.

"What happened between you and Professor Quirrell at the Lake and what happened between him and Harry is a complete secret." he goes on to explain. "So naturally, the whole school knows." I laugh a bit at his statement and look at the huge tray of candies and sweets I didn't notice earlier. "I see your friend, Ron has saved you the trouble of opening your Chocolate Frogs."

"Ron was here? Is he alright? What about Hermione? And Harry?" I start to worry.

"Fine. They are all just fine." He assures. I relax a bit and a new question pops in my head.

"What happened to the Stone?"

"Relax, Miss Moonlight. The Stone has been destroyed. My friend Nicholas and I have had a little chat, and agreed it was best all around." He says walking to the side of my bed.

"But then Flamel, he'll die won't he?"

"He has enough Elixir to set his affairs in order. But yes, he will die."

"Does that mean, with the Stone gone that is, Voldemort will never come back?" I ask.

"I'm afraid, there are ways in which he can return. Y/N, do you know why Professor Quirrell couldn't have you, out of all people down there?" Dumbledore asks. I shake my head. "Your ancestors pass down their magic to every new descendant of Merlin. You got Merlin's magic in you. If you had gone down there, you would've absorbed Quirrell's magic without knowing it. You are a protector. It's your subconscious natural instinct. He would be defenceless and couldn't fight Harry off." He reaches in his tunic and pulls out a huge old book. He hands it to me and walks off.

I set the book aside and put on a light pink hoodie and black high-waisted leggings. I grab my things and get up from the bed. Apparently I was dead for a while since it's dinner time again. I grab the book and walk to The Great Hall.

"Y/N! Y/N wait!" I hear a voice call out. I turn around and see Draco walking towards me.

"Yes, Draco?" I ask.

"Are you ok? When I watched them pull you out of that lake, it was horrifying, and the way your body had no life to it-"

"Draco. I really don't need someone telling me how they saw me dead." I joke. I pull him into a hug and whisper in his ear. "I'm fine. Thank you for asking." I pull away and walk into the The Great Hall. I sit down next to Harry and surprisingly, he pulled me into a hug. I hug him back and we both pull away, looking at each other.

"I should have never asked you to come with us. I mean you joked about being killed and then you were killed. I'm sorry." Harry apologizes. I giggle a bit and tell him it's fine and then I realize I haven't told him about Draco and me being friends.

"Harry, can I tell you something? Promise me you won't be too mad." I say. He looks at me and nods his head. "Draco and I are friends." I quietly say. He looks shocked but not mad. He shrugs his shoulders and tells me he'll always support my decisions even if they aren't that good. I laugh and set the book I've been carrying on the table.

"What is that?" Ron asks, pointing at the book.

"I don't know. Dumbledore gave it to me when I was back in the hospital wing. I'm assuming it has something to do with my magic." I tell him.

"I know what that is, it's a grimoire! It's only ever been able to be used by one person in history. No one knows why though." Hermione says. I look at the book and open it, revealing all sorts of spells and magic.

"Wow." Harry and Ron say in unison. I carefully close the book and look up at Dumbledore. I smile and him and he nods his head. I look up and notice something I didn't before. Slytherin flags? Why would there be Slytherin flags hanging? I hear two clincks on a glass and everyone looks at Dumbledore.

"Another year gone. And now, as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding. And the points stand thus: In fourth place, Gryffindor with 312 points." Dumbledore announced and people clap. "Third place, Hufflepuff with 352 points. In second place, Ravenclaw with 426 points. And in first place, with 472 points, Slytherin house." Slytherin house claps and cheers. "Yes, well done, Slytherin. Well done. However, recent events must be taken into account... And I have a few last-minute points to award. To Miss Hermione Granger, for the cool use of intellect... while others were in grave peril. 50 points." We all clap and cheer and Draco and his group frown. "Second, Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best-played game of chess... That Hogwarts has seen these many years, 50 points. Third, to Mr. Harry Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage. I award Gryffindor house, 60 points." we all burst into cheers and I look over to Draco who doesn't look happy at all.

"We're tied with Slytherin!" Hermione tells us.

"And finally, it takes a great deal to drown, and come back stronger than ever, and not worry about yourself, but worrying about your friends. I award 30 points to Miss Y/N Moonlight, the protector." Dumbledore claps and everyone at my table cheers me on. I look over and see Draco's face full of disappointment. "Assuming that my calculations are correct, I believe that a change of decoration is in order." he claps once and all the Slytherin flags turn into red and yellow Gryffindor flags. "Gryffindor wins the house cup." he corrects and we all celebrate.

Everyone is now at the train and people are everywhere. Hagrid is rushing people onto the train and I search the crowd for Draco but I can't find him anywhere.

"Y/N, you coming?" Hermione says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah," I tell her. We all wave to Hagrid and board the train after Harry says goodbye. "It feels weird going home now, after all of this." everyone nods as we take out seats next to each other. I read more of the grimoire book on the ride and Hermione fell asleep. I look up when the train comes to a stop. We all get up and we're the first ones to get off. We huddle together and have one final group hug.

"I'll miss you all. Be sure to write!" I say and we all laugh.

"I'll miss you guys." Hermione says. We all give each other individual hugs and I turn around and see my parents.

"Mom, dad!" I shout and run towards them, embracing them in a hug. I look behind them and see the Malfoy's, including Draco. I walk up to him and a smile immediately appears on his face. I pull him in a hug and surprisingly, he hugs back. "You better write, Draco." I joke and we laugh before I turn back to my parents and we apparate to the Moonlight Mansion. I run up to my room to unpack my things.

My summer has officially started.

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