Forty Three

315 5 0

Year 4

Goblet of Fire

I decided it would be best to warm up back inside my dorm so that's what I did. Hermione came bursting in and she looks me dead in the eyes.

"Barty's dead." She says.

"What?" I shout.

"Harry found him while Hagrid, Ron and him decided to walk in the Forbidden Forest." She tells me.

"Well who killed him?" I ask.

"No one knows. Fudge is trying to keep it quiet so people stay calm." Hermione tells me. "He doesn't want people to see him as a coward and he wants the tournament to continue."

"I might've hated Barty, but why on earth is Fudge doing this?" I ask myself.

We continued to gossip about how Barty's son was sentenced to Azkaban. We went to bed that night and woke up the next morning refreshed.

Today was the last challenge and I couldn't shake the feeling something bad was going to happen. Everyone who was watching today's challenge, followed the Aurors and myself to the maze Axel and Jack created. After Dumbledore announced rules and such, the champions went in one by one.

Fleur ended up getting spat out of the maze along with Krum who was bewitched. After a spell Leia and I casted together, he was back to normal and had little memory of what happened. It was getting dark out and I was getting anxious.

"Y/N, Harry will be fine." Leia assures. I nod and begin to chew my bottom lip. I decided to head behind the stands and I saw Draco had followed me.

Before I could say anything, my head started to feel like it was exploding and I let out an ear piercing scream.

"What's happening?!" Draco shouts. I fall to the floor on my knees and began to scream at the familiar pain running through my body. "I'm getting help!"

He casts a quick Muffliato charm so nobody hears my screams.

I see him run off and I continue to scream in pain. I see McGonagall rushing towards me.

"What's happening to her?" She asks.

"I don't know, she just dropped and started screaming." Draco tells her.

That's when I feel a slice in my arm. McGonagall pulls my hair away from my arm and I see the open wound with black veins surrounding it.

That's when it all turns black.

"The Dark Lord shall rise," I hear a familiar voice say. I open my eyes and I'm in some graveyard. I see Harry stuck behind some statue and I see Wormtail hovering over a cauldron. I look behind me and see Cedric's dead body. I gasp in fright, but no one sees me. "...again."

Wormtail finished whatever ritual he was doing and Harry starts yelling. Orange flames engulf the cauldron and a figure is made from the flames.

It looks like some giant fetus and it's covered in a black aura. When the aura disappears, someone is now standing there.


He strokes his head and face as Wormtail looks at him. Voldemort chuckles, walking to him

"My wand, Wormtail." Voldemort commands.

He reaches for it and bows his head as it's given to Voldemort. He takes his wand and looks at Wormtail.

"Hold out your arm." Voldemort demands.

"Master..." Wormtail exhales. "Thank you, master." Wormtail goes to bring up his handless hand but Voldemort stops him.

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