Thirty Two

389 11 2

Year 3

Prisoner of Azkaban

Christmas break was now over and I interrogated my parents and surprisingly, they didn't hold back anything. I found out that they didn't want me to be apart of the whole Voldemort thing so they payed people off so everyone would keep their mouths shut about seeing me or any Moonlight's there. Once I got back to Hogwarts, Scrimgeour has been sending Leia and I on more and more missions. I had to split away from the trio and meet up with Leia again. I walked out to the courtyard and waited a few moments until I finally saw her.

"Y/N! How dare he. Dragons? He's trying to kill us!" Leia shouts. She was obviously frustrated since we had to get past dragons to get to the dark wizards we needed to catch. People stared at us but once I sent them death glares, they all looked away.

"Leia, it'll be fine! I think he's just training us harder for something." I try to reason.

"Yeah, you're right but he's holding things back from us. I mean we're the Adequate Aurors! He shouldn't be hiding anything." Leia nags.

"I know but he's not going to tell us until he wants to." I tell her.

"Well, let's get this done with." Leia sighs and we make our way outside before Axel stops us.

"What did you need Axel?" I ask.

"Scrimgeour asked me to come with you both so you don't get burned alive." He explains. I nod and we walk to the carriages and they take us to Hogsmeade. From Hogsmeade, we apparate to a castle in the middle of nowhere guarded with two Ukrainian Ironbelly dragons.

"Those are the deadliest dragons in the wizarding world. We need to take precaution." Leia says. I ignore her and carefully approach the two dragons.

"What is she doing!?" Axel whisper shouted to Leia.

"She's going to die!" She whispered back.

I knew that dragons are just very misunderstood creatures. I approached them and they didn't seem scared or worried I would hurt them. They knew I wouldn't hurt them. Once I was close enough, I rubbed one of the Ukrainian Ironbelly's chest and it kicked it's two front legs in the air and landed again. It bowed its head to me when I kept rubbing. I turned to the other dragon and did the same thing. They trusted me.

I just tamed two Ukrainian Ironbelly dragons.

I turn around and look at Axel and Leia who are absolutely amazed. I motion for them to come closer and they hesitantly do so.

"How did you just tame a dragon?" Leia asked.

"They are just misunderstood. When they knew I wouldn't hurt them, they trusted me. But we have dark wizards to catch. Come on." I motion for them to follow me and we all split into different directions. There was two wizards to catch and I found one almost instantly, while Leia took about two minutes to find the other. We put the shackles that restricted their usage of magic on them and headed out. I got the two dragons imported to Romania to live with other dragons like them.

We got to Azkaban and got them booked in and we went back to Hogwarts. Axel went to hang out with some Slytherin boys while I went to find the trio. Something was different though. I looked around and saw people staring at me but the staring was different.

"She tamed the two most dangerous dragons!" I heard someone whisper.

"She is perfect! Absolutely perfect." I heard another.

Of course Leia would tell literally everyone about today. I walked to the courtyard everyone gathers in for Hogsmeade and I saw the trio walking towards me.

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