Thirty Nine

291 9 0

Year 4

Goblet of Fire

A few days had gone by since the choosing of the champions. People threw nasty words at Harry here and there but it wasn't them I was worried about. Ron had turned his back to Harry because he thought Harry was the one who put his own name in the Goblet of Fire. The two once best friends are now bickering to each other about tiny things or completely ignoring each other. I knew I have to tell Harry about the first challenge, but if I do it myself, people would immediately think he has an upper hand with being my best friend. After all, it's my team who's creating these challenges. So I had to go to Ron about it.

After talking with him and a few slaps to the side of his head, he agreed to tell Harry that Hagrid and I needed to meet with him in the Forbidden Forest.

I had peacefully gotten all four of the dragons calm and safe until yet again, Barty ordered them to be shoved into cages. After a few burned men, they managed to do it. The only thing is, now they won't stop slamming themselves against the cages. A worker decided to do a sleeping charm but it'd only last until nightfall.

Hagrid went to look for Harry and they both met up with me in the middle of the Forbidden Forest.

"Did you bring your father's cloak, like I asked you?" Hagrid asks Harry as we walk to the dragons.

"Yeah, I brought the cloak. Hagrid, Y/N, where are we going?" Harry asks.

"You'll see soon enough." I answer

"Now, pay attention. This is important." Hagrid says.

"What's with the flower?" Harry asks. I look on Hagrid's jacket and see an orange and yellow flower. "Hagrid, have you combed your hair?"

"As a matter of fact, I have." Hagrid sheepishly admits. "You might like to try the same thing now and again."

I heard the Chinese Fireball dragon roaring in the distance and then a low snarl.

"Hagrid?" I hear a familiar French accent ask. Hagrid starts walking again but turns back around. "The cloak. Put the cloak on."

Harry goes to put it on both of us but I shake my head.

"Trust me when I tell you not to run after me." I sternly say.

"I can't do that--" Harry starts.

"You have to." I demand and I walk over to the spot the dragons are being held.

The dragons notice me but they don't stop breathing fire. Loud roars and men yelling is the only thing I hear.

"Dragons?" I hear Harry say from where Hagrid is. "That's the first task? Y/N chose this? You're joking."

I turn around and walk to them.

"I chose dragons only because I know how to calm them." I tell him. I turn around and the Horntail must not have liked Harry and Hagrid near me so it blew a long line of fire at them. I quickly step in front of them and reach my hands to the fire.

"Y/N, don't!" Harry shouts.

"Scutum! " I shout and the fire resists against an invisible shield. It goes out after a few seconds and I sigh in relief.

"Poor Ron nearly fainted just seeing him, you know." Hagrid mentions.

"Ron was here?" Harry asks.

"Oh, sure." Hagrid replies.

"I asked his brother Charlie to bring the Horntail along with the others from Romania." I add.

"Didn't Ron tell you that?" Hagrid asks.

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