Thirty Four

323 9 1

Year 3

Prisoner of Azkaban

3rd Person POV

Professor Snape, Hermione, and Ron all watch as the life in Y/N's body leaves. Her skin is now cold and her hands fall to her sides. The worst part is, that isn't the worst part. Harry and Sirius are now being attacked by dementors and nobody can help. Harry watches as a white orb floats above Sirius' mouth. His soul. Only the dementors don't have a chance to get it, as a Patronus Stag appears and sends them away. Sirius gains his soul back and Harry falls unconscious. Hermione ran off to find help and while she was running, she bumped into Axel and Jack who were currently patrolling.

"Hermione? What are you doing out late?" Axel asks.

"It's Y/N. She's um... She's dead." Hermione lowly says and a tears slip from her eyes.

"What?!" Carson shouts.

"Where is she?!" Axel quickly asks. Hermione motions them to follow her and they walk to Ron and Snape who are standing over Y/N's body. Axel and Carson make their way over and drop at the gruesome sight.

"She's dead." Axel mumbles.

"Technically, yes. But she's someone you can call immortal." Hermione mentions.

"Immortal?" Carson asks.

"She didn't tell you?" Hermione confusingly states and the boys shake their heads. "She was something called a protector. Nobody knows why she could do extraordinary magic, but it was something to do with being a protector. She has a choice to come back to protect the people she loves and holds close. When she chose to come back the last two times--"

"She's died before?!" Carson shouts.

"Yeah. But when she chose to come back, it was because she knew she must come back to protect. You boys should get her to the hospital wing though. We don't want anything to happen to her while she's um... Dead." Hermione finishes. They boys nod and Axel puts one of his arms under Y/N's legs and the other under her back, carrying her bridal style. She laid lifeless in his arms and the sight made him want to throw up, cry, and beat someone up at the same time. They quickly make their way back to the school and they realize the sun has gone up and students will be awake. Carson opens the front doors to the school and people watch as he makes his way to the hospital wing with her in his arms. She was in battle attire since she obviously never had the chance to change.

Crabbe and Goyle left Draco's side to go see what everyone was looking at and they wish they hadn't. They tried to keep Draco away but when he made his way through the crowd, he saw her. The cut in her lip, the dried blood on her hands, the dirt on her arms, legs and face, her hair messed up, and the most noticeable thing, the large gash across her stomach, indicating that's the reason she died.

"What happened to her?" A girl asked.

"That's Y/N!" Another pointed out.

"She's dead!" Another said.

The comments didn't affect Axel and Carson. They made their way to the hospital wing and walked through the doors. Madam Pomfrey looked at Y/N and immediately motioned to the bed at the back.

"I'll clean up the wounds and heal her. She'll be alright boys." Madam Pomfrey assures. The boys didn't believe her. Not until she was alive and breathing. The loud sound of something slamming open caught their attention and turned to Jack who was now running towards them.

"She's dead. No, no, no. She can't be dead." Jack mumbles as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"Hermione said she's immortal." Axel says.

"Immortal?" Jack asks.

"She was a protector. It's probably why she could do extraordinary magic, but she was a protector. She has a choice to come back to protect the people she loves and holds close. That's what Hermione said." Carson explains.

"So she'll come back?" Jack asks. The two boys nod and he sighs in relief. Another loud sound at the door is heard and it's Hermione and Ron with Harry. Harry was still unconscious. Ron was sat on one bed after Madam Pomfrey saw the bite, and Harry was put in another. Hermione and Ron looked over at Y/N and Ron threw up while Hermione stood at the foot of her bed. Madam Pomfrey healed Y/N's wounds and cleaned the dirt off of her a bit. Now all they had to do was wait.

2 Hours Later

Draco is in the Slytherin common room, pacing. Thoughts kept rushing through his mind.

Why did I have to hurt her?

I pushed her away.

She's dead.

She hates me.

His thoughts are interrupted as a Slytherin boy named Blaise walks into the common room.

"She's dead." Blaise confirms and Draco felt as if he had just been torn to pieces. Draco obviously forgot that she could come back. That's why he's reacting this way.

"She hated me. When I pushed her away by bullying her friends. She told me I lost her." Draco didn't know why he was telling him this but he felt like he needed to.

Back in the hospital wing, Axel, Carson, and Jack all had to leave to hospital wing. Dumbledore was told by Harry, Hermione and Ron about Sirius being innocent and so Harry and Hermione go back in time to save innocent lives. When Harry and Hermione disappear from the hospital wing and walk back through the front door not even a second later, they make Ron believe he's going mad. Harry walks over to Y/N's bed and holds her hand and they all wait for her to wake up.


I was thinking about Harry and Y/N kissing but it would kinda ruin their friendship when I think about it, so they'll just be two close best friends. Sorry for getting your hopes up! -Y. <3

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