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12:00 am

Tanaka: Awww a minute late. Agauun.

Kagami: Why do you keep on worrying if you're late?

12:01 am

Tanaka: Every minute counts for me. And it's a huge waste of time not talking to you.

Kagami: Then make it afternoon or early in the evening instead?

Tanaka: I can't. You're not online.

Kagami: I'm online from 7.

12:02 am

Tanaka: Still I can't. I'm doing a lit of things.

Tanaka: *lot.

Tanaka: 30.

Kagami: What?

12:03 am

Tanaka: Oh nothing. Haha.

Tanaka: Anyway, how's school?

Kagami: The usual. You always ask about my life.

Kagami: How about you?

12:04 am

Tanaka: The same as always. Bored to death.

Tanaka: The same four corners of this boring room.

Kagami: Same 4 corners?

12:05 am

Tanaka: My room.

Tanaka: Wait brb.

Kagami: Brb?

Tanaka: Be right back. Haha. XD

12:08 am

Tanaka: Sorry, took 3 minutes. You still awake?

Kagami: Yeah.

Tanaka: Anyway, I have another question.

12:09 am

Tanaka: What does it feel like to 'hope for a hopeless case'?

Kagami: Hoping for a hopeless case?

Tanaka: You just repeated my question. -,-

12:10 am

Kagami: Argh. I re-qouted.

Kagami: Anyway, isn't he/she hurting himself/herself? It's like waiting for the moon to become square.

Tanaka: I thought I asked you 'what does it feel like' if you were facing that situation. -,-

12:11 am

Kagami: I'm hurting myself. It hurts.

Kagami: You're being creepy again with your questions.

Tanaka: Hahaha! Is that so? I'm just curious on what you see about things. :)

Tanaka: Anyway, my story is tomorrow. Haha. Good night!

12:12 am

Kagami: Night.

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