Chapter five

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Picture of James up there omg he's perfect

There was a smaller amount of people up here, mostly couples who were making out heavily in the hallway. I opened the door to my room and turned my light on, screaming in the process.

"James" I said, sighing "you scared me half to death"

He looked up at me, his head had been hung low, his hands taking through his dark hair, his eyes were bloodshot and had bags under them. He looked like he hadn't slept in a week.

"Sorry" he mumbled "I just wanted to get away from the noise"

"Why don't you just kick everyone out?" I question, placing my purse and keys on my nightstand.

"It's not as easy as you think" he said, standing up from his place on the bed. "Have you ever tried to tell a drunk person what to? It never goes over that well"

"Oh" was all I said.

He moved over to the dresser where the mirror was located. He examined himself in it and sighed heavily. I guess he didn't like what he saw.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"I'm fine" he said "I just haven't been feeling good"

He reached into the pocket of the hoodie that he was wearing and pulled out a pack of cigarettes along with a lighter. He lit the cigarette and took it between his middle and pointer finger, puffing on it and blowing out a cloud of smoke.

The smoke he blew out went straight into my face, I started coughing almost instantly, I hated cigarettes.

"Oh, sorry" he mumbled, moving to my bedside window and opening it, sitting down on the ledge.

"It's fine" I said, my coughing subsiding. "I just hate the smell"

"You've never smoked before?" He asked. I shook my head.

"How old are you again?" He asked, blowing another puff of smoke out of his mouth.

"Sixteen" I answered.

"You're still young" he mumbled.

"And how old are you then?" I asked, getting slightly defensive.

"I'm eighteen" he said, "legal and shit"

"That's not much of an age difference" I said "only two years"

"It's a big difference" he said


"Because, you're barely a teenager, and I'm already an adult"

"I'll be seventeen by the end of the summer" I said, slightly offended that he was making a big deal out of my age.

"Still" he mumbled under his breath. He flicked his cigarette out the window then closed it. He walked towards me, then sat down on the bed again.

"When do they come back in town?" I asked james, referring to our parents.

"Tomorrow night" he said. "The house is probably trashed"

"It is" I said, confirming his statement.

"Shit" he mumbled, raking his hands through his hair again.

He stood up then, walking over towards where I was standing by the door. He stood there for a moment, just staring at me without breaking eye contact. My breath hitches and my heartbeat picked up. This was the first time I got a good look at his face. His eyes were a beautiful caramel brown color, and he had a strong jawbone. His close proximity also gave me the opportunity to see the little thing sticking out of his cheek.

"What is this?" I asked, touching the metal rod protruding from his dimple.

"It's a piercing" he said, biting down on his lip.

"It's weird" I stated.

"What? You don't like it?" He asked, his eyebrows scrunched together.

"I didn't say that, I just said it was weird"

He grabbed my hand that had lingered a little too long on his face and gently lowered it to my side, he broke eye contact then, opening my bedroom door and left without another word.

The door closed gently and all I could do was stare at it in confusion. A few minutes later I heard the loud music cut out, and an audible moan of disapproval from the partygoers downstairs. I could hear James's muffled voice, probably telling everyone to get out. Then there was the shuffle of multiple sets of feet quickly scurrying to leave.

I laid down on my bed and let today's events replay in my mind. Why would James throw a party if he didn't even attend it? Why, out of all places, would he find peace in my bedroom? And why did I get nervous when he was a little too close?

He was technically my brother, and you shouldn't feel like that when it comes to your brother, even if I had only known him for a few days. I knew that we weren't related by blood, but we still lived together, and I'm sure feelings like that were unacceptable. I let my mind swarm with these thoughts and confusions until I found myself falling asleep to the image of James's caramel brown eyes and thick Australian accent.

I know it's short please don't judge me.

I finally updated the cover photo. It's the same exact as before but this one has my new username on it so it doesn't look like I stole a cover or something.

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