Kuroo 2

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You wake up and you do your morning routine. Brushing your teeth, taking a shower and your skin care routine. You walk out of your room and decide to walk around your mansion for fun. You run into your dad over the phone talking to someone.

Your dad: Hey, Y/n. Clean your room we have new people joining our family (You guys call the people that work for your dad family because they have been through high and lows)

Y/n: Why do I need to clean my room are they going to come into my room or are they pedophiles?

Your dad: For fucks sake, Y/n please.

Y/n: Fine.

Your dad continues his phone call and you go back to your room about to clean it up. 4 hours later, you hear the doorbell go off. You go to answer your door, and to your suprise its your boyfriend, Kuroo. You're super confused and you go to find your dad.

Y/n: Dad! What the fuck is Kuroo doing here?

Your dad: Y/n, language. Kuroo is moving in with us. His parents asked if he could join our family.


Your dad: Y/n.


You hear a knock on your dad's door. You open it and to see Kuroo's parents.

You walk past them and go straight to your room pissed off.

Your dad: Shes mad because you guys joined us and she doesn't want Kuroo to get hurt.

His parents: Yeah, we could see that.

You go into your room and slam the door shut as it echos down the hallway. You turn around to see Kuroo leaning on the desk.

Kuroo: Yeah I'm happy to see you too, Chibi-Chan.

You ignore him and sit on your bed, on your phone.

Kuroo: So you're going to ignore me like that?

He snatches your phone out of your hand and raises his arm.

Kuroo: If you could reach it, you can have it.

Y/n: Give me my fucking phone, Tetsurou.

Kuroo turns around and slams his hand into the wall, pushing you against it.

Kuroo: Watch your language.

He says as his dominant side starts to come out.

Y/n: Fuck, shit, bitch, ass, slut, dumbass, cunt, hoe, thot, dick, bastard, pussy, faggot, damn.

You look up at him and smile.

He chokes you harder and looks at you with eyes that get you scared.

Kuroo: You really like to get on daddy's nerves don't you?

Y/n: You aren't my daddy. The only daddy I have is the one that helped my mom give birth.

Kuroo chokes you harder and slams you onto the bed.


You're gasping for air and you see yourself start to turn purple. Kuroo also see this as well and he lets go.

You push him off and slap him. He looks at you.

Kuroo: If you ever hit me again I promise you won't see the end of it, Brat.

Y/n: Oh yeah?

Kuroo: Yeah.

Y/n: Then what makes you think you can hit me with a belt?

Kuroo: Because I am the one in charge and you are not.

Y/n: Well maybe I want to be in charge.

Kuroo looks at you and you smile. You can see the fire in his eyes. He chokes you again and pins your hands above your head with his other hand.

Kuroo: You will never be in charge and that is final. You think this is a joke?

Y/n: I find it funny.

You somehow made it out of his grip and you try to slap him again but he catches your hand.

Kuroo: Ohoho. You're definitely going to regret it now.

He rips off your clothes along with your underwear, He rips open his shirt and takes off his pants, He shoves his dick inside of you making you let out a scream and he quickly covers your mouth.

Kuroo: I don't want to hear a single sound leaving your pretty little lips. Be disobident and I will fuck you 5x faster than normal.

He starts moving fast right off of the bat. You cover your face with a pillow but he grabs it and throws it across the room.

Kuroo: You're not allowed to bite down on anything.

Y/n's mind: IS HE INSANE?!

You open your mouth to talk, but nothing comes out.

Kuroo: I guessed I already fucked you that hard yesterday, now you can't even talk.

He says laughing.

He looks at you with his thinking face on.

Kuroo: I think since you're so full of brattiness, I'ma fuck it right outta you. I'm going to make you cum 10 times.

You open your mouth and force words to come out.


Kuroo gives you that devilish smirks and he starts going faster. You start screaming his name. (JOKES ON YOU I GOT MY WATER RIGHT NEXT TO ME BITCH IM SET LMAOOOOOOOO)

Y/n: Tetsurou..Tetsurou..TETSUROU SLOW DOWN.

Kuroo laughs in your face.

Kuroo: I like you screaming my name. Lemme hear it again baby.


Kuroo: I told you, you make one sound and I'll go 5x faster.

Y/n: I-I-I can't handle it, Tetsurou, please slow down.

Kuroo: Fine, you're no fun.

You sigh in relief as he slows down for 0.5 seconds and then he goes faster than before.

Y/n: K-K-Kuroo! I said slow down!

Kuroo: Watch your tone. I did slow down.

Y/n: You literally slowed down for like 0.5 seconds, now you're going faster than before.

Kuroo: You never said how long to slow down for.

You hear a knock on your door and you guys quickly put on your clothes. You open your door to see your dad.

Your Dad: For fucks sake, Y/n. Keep the noise down please.

Your face starts turning red while Kuroo and your dad walk out together talking about business and Kuroo's first mission and what he has to do and shit like that.

You look all over for your phone then you remembered that Kuroo took it. You run after him and asks for your phone he gives you it and you walk back to your room with him slapping your ass as you walk back. You get his text message and it said.

Kuroo: We aren't finishing tonight, Chibi-Chan. Be ready, because it's going to be a bumpy one.

You smile to yourself and watch tiktoks on the way back to your room.

Y/n mind: The bitch still didn't fuck this attitude out of me. Hah, I should continue doing this. It's pretty fun.

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