A Proper Entrance

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"Mate you've got to be kidding me- why wouldn't you enter? You can get bloody rich from it!" Matt was persistent, but this time Ted wasn't giving in.
"I've told you, I don't want the gold" He was irritable, his best friend had been pestering him all day to enter the tri wizard tournament.
"Cos your parents hardly left you a goldmine." Matt chuckled to himself, before realising what he had said. "Oh I didn't mean it like that. I just meant... you could do with some extra cash." He wasn't about to pick a fight with his best friend.
"Don't worry, I'm not offended. But I'm also not willing to risk my parent's sacrifice." Teddy tried not to show the remote anger and resentment he was feeling towards Matt.
"Fair enough" Matt shrugged "anyways, aren't we gonna talk about old Trelawney"
"What is there to talk about, she's an old fake, that's common knowledge. Anything she says can't be trusted" Teddy replies, he was sick of people using his parents' fate to judge him.
"I don't know, she sounded kinda genuine... all that stuff about belonging and so on, you don't think it could be about you?" Matt sounded timid. "I mean, she who is dark must find light, that could represent your mum, she's a decent of the black family. He who seeks knowledge, that could be your dad, he was clever wasn't he. And you, their son, who belongs, must accept the end."
"That's nonsense Matt. Why would I have a prophecy anyway."

Meghan slinked along the corridor, listening to the two boys bickering, she herself had heard the prophecy, that she knew it was. She was biding her time to make a proper entrance.

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