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Teddy stares at the blank painting, longing, for its residents to re appear.
"Do you think they missed your message?" Matt asked.
"They never have before, besides I've never known cadogan to fail to deliver" Teddy answered irritably, if his parents didn't turn up soon, he would miss transfiguration. Making Mc Gonagall mad was certainly something he could do without at the moment.
"Oh look it's Loopy Lupin looking for his blood traitor scum of parents!" The voice behind the two boys startled them Both.
"Piss off Zabini" Matt said, making a face at the 3rd year Slytherin girl.
"Why would I?" Nadia Zabini teased. "Have you finally realised your grandfather was a muggle?" She continued to annoy him.
"HE WAS NOT" Teddy shouted. He could take derogatory comments, but he drew the line at people insulting his family.
"Suit yourself" The Slytherin witch whispered, and slinked off into the distance. Teddy began to cry, had his parents forgotten about him? Suddenly, he heard another voice behind him, it was calm and quiet.
"You have checked the registration office have you not?"

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