The Registration Office

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"The what?!" Matt scoffed,
"The registration office, it holds records of every witch or wizard ever born." The voice came again from a young girl, about their age standing down the hall. She had, wavy auburn hair, that fell to her shoulders, and twinkling deep blue eyes. At first sight both Teddy and Matt found her incredibly beautiful.
"Why are you telling us this- again?" Teddy asked sceptically.
"Because you want evidence that your grandfather wasn't a muggle" She said quite simply.
"I- and who are you?" Matt took his turn in questioning this time.
"Meghan James, I'm a fifth year Beauxbatons student" Meghan sounded quite cheerful in her answer. Both boys nodded.
"So where is this office?" Teddy asked, a tone of finality in his voice.
"The ministry!" Meghan answered his question with dignity.
"Oh and who do you suppose we get to the ministry?" Matt barked, chuckling to himself, which earned him glares from both his companions. This time Teddy answered the question-
"The floo of course!"

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