A Fe-Line For The Door

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"Mate, are you telling me that old Minnie won't mind if you drop into her fireplace on route to breaking into the ministry? you've finally gone mad!" Matt barked loudly and chuckled.
"Oh no of course she'll mind" Teddy scoffed. "We just won't get caught."
"You two are in Hufflepuff?" Meghan asked, speaking for the first time as they swiftly turned a corner.
"And proud of it!" Teddy puffed out his chest.
"I always wanted to attend Hogwarts, though ofcourse I'm French, I cant. I do feel I would belong better here." Meghan pondered. Teddy hadn't thought about the fact that she was claiming to be French, but spoke with a perfectly pronounced English accent.
"But you're accent-" Meghan cut Teddy off.
"Ah well. I find it strange too. Just never picked the accent up I suppose. I was born in England you see."
"Ah right, you're parents, are they good parents?" Matt scoffed at his best friends feeble attempt to make small talk.
"I'm an orphan." Meghan says simply, "But I do believe that yes, my parents would have been good to me."
"So am I." Teddy said, his tone had dropped slightly and he lacked energy in his voice. "I'm Teddy by the way, Edward Remus Lupin. And this is my friend Matt, Mathew Lee Gordon."

The trio arrived outside Mcgonagall's office in record time. Falling to an abrupt stop outside her door.
"Hey Ted, whip the map out and check the coast is clear will you?" Matt demands.
"Oh bloody hell!" Teddy exclaims "I left the map in the common room. If I go back now I'll surely be spotted and dragged back to charms." He sighed and collapsed against the door.
"Is anyone coming?" Meghan asked sweetly, though she wore a mischievous grin across her face.
"I think so, why?" Teddy asked. But Meghan did not answer his question, instead she shrunk down onto the floor, taking form as a tri colour cat. She sat innocently purring on the floor next to the two stunned wizards. Slowly, Meghan stood up from where she had taken her feline form, and crept around the open door to Mcgonagall's office. Seconds later, Meghan re appeared in human shape, gesturing for the two boys to come inside.

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