Break In At The Ministry

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"C'mon, just shout "muggle born registration office" it should work" Meghan said.
"Alrighty, but aren't we gonna discuss the cat thing" Matt asked
"There isn't much to explain, I'm an illegal animagus, that's basically it. But I wouldn't go shouting about it, as I said I'm illegal. Now let's hurry up before someone springs us." Meghan went first, not waiting for Matt's answer, she stepped into the flames, and shouted her destination. Teddy followed her steps timidly and then Matt. What the trio assumed was the registration office was a small office, it had several rows of filing cabinets, all with different blood status and year.
"Where the hell do we start?" Teddy asked.
"I don't know, uh, just take as many files as you can and stuff them in this beg, I put an extension charm on it a while ago." She pulled out a black bag and put on the desk. "I don't think we have much time" all three students started opening filing cabinets and pulling out all the files.
"Even get the ones labelled half blood, sometimes people don't tell their partner about their abilities" Teddy commented. Matt was just stuffing a file named "1960-1980 Pureblood" as there was a band at the door.
"Teddy, Meghan, someone's coming" Matt yelled to his best friend and new acquaintance, then dragged Meghan to hide under the desk in the middle of the room while Teddy stood behind where the door would open to. The door creaked as a large, burly looking man walked through into the office. He glanced around the mess lying on the floor that the trio had made. Teddy gasped from behind the door, revealing his hiding spot. The new comer raised his wand and fired a hex at Teddy that he easily dodged. He was about to continue the duel when Meghan grabbed at the back of his robes and pulled him behind the desk.
"What the HELL do you think you're doing" she whispered rapidly,
"That's Dawlish! He tortured my mum during the first war, I owe it to her to fight, to finish him off." Teddy explained in a desperate and low voice.
"Well now I don't think we have a bloody choice." Matt said, his voice was louder, as Dawlish had just pulled him up by a tuft of messy black hair.
"Well, well, we'll. What've we go' 'ere" He held Matt up in front of his face, then dropped him. He edged closer to Meghan, "'ello darling, fancy coming home with me?" He leant in to her pale face, his voice was sickly sweet. Meghan's face was screwed up in disgust and displeasure. How He hell could they get out of this one. Matt noticed the pain on his new friends features, the fear. It was uncomfortable for him to watch, and he had a feeling it wasn't going to improve anytime soon. Suddenly, without notice, Meghan most possibly saved the trio's necks.
"Never!" She shouted, her hand and fist colliding with her capturer's nose with considerable force, this knocked Dawlish back momentarily, just long enough for her to escape from their hiding spot, dragging Teddy and Matt behind her. She scooted out of the office, with her opponent hot on their tail. They raced down the hallway, 3 against 1. Curses flew all over the dark walls, when the duel reached the elevator, Dawlish managed to corner Meghan again. He raised his wand, as the words formed on his lips. Matt, who was particularly skilled at non verbal magic, brandished his wand. Ropes flew around Dawlish, tying him up, and dragging him backwards so that Meghan could get out of the corner.
"Cmon lift, those ropes won't last forever" Matt said tensely. The lift arrived at its destination of the auror department just as the ropes restraining Dawlish snapped. The doors burst open and the fight was brought into the desk area. Teddy felt asthough he was closer to his mother than he had ever felt. As he sprinted past the cubicle that held her preserved desk, not touched for memorial purposes, he felt like her son. He imagined how proud she would have been to have her son sticking up for rights. Teddy noticed the picture that held a photo of Nymphadora, in a hospital gown, laying in what looked like a St Mungos bed. Next to her sat Remus beaming at the tiny baby in his wife's arms. Dawlish shot a curse at him when he was least expecting it, bringing him back into the fierce duel.
Meghan retired momentarily, sprinting over to hide in the cubicle where teddy had just been. On the desk the picture he had been standing staring at was ripped with a shattered frame. She quickly scooped the broken picture into her bag and re joined the fight. She didn't know who was in it, but it must have been important.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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