Chapter 9: Bluffing

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"So, how was Boss, Little Light?" Killer teased, an arm around Cross' shoulders even though the four of them were sitting around a square table in the corner of the first basement's main room.

Dream flushed. "Please--he's fine, and we did nothing but talk."

Killer made a clicking sound. "Shame."

Cross smacked Killer upside the head. "Dude."

With a sigh, Dream sat down next to Dust and Cross. The boys had already set up the game, and there were a fair amount of colorful chips in front of each person. "How do we play?"

After the explanation of the game, which, Dream noted, was far more complicated than Texas hold 'em's, the group began to play. Dream was good--as to be expected--but his knowledge of the rules held him back from winning every game, but he held onto the majority of wins.

Dust had, at one point, fallen asleep on Horror's shoulder, leaning into his friend as he slept. Horror had long since flushed slightly red, and the glares Cross was sending Killer were enough to keep the inky-teared skeleton from commenting on it.

A game had finished in Cross' favour, and as Killer shuffled the deck, Dream asked a question that was burning in his mind. "Why is Dust always so tired?"

"What do you mean?" Horror asked, his movements slow and voice softer than what was probably needed in his attempts not to disturb Dust. "Just because he's sleeping now doesn't mean he's always tired."

Dream shook his head. "He looks exhausted--and he almost always does. He was falling asleep standing earlier. Is he alright?"

Cross cleared his throat. "Yeah, he just has trouble with insomnia. Nightmares."

"Ah." Dream looked at the dark circles under Dust's sockets. "Poor thing, it's a good thing that he's sleeping now."

"Yeah," Horror agreed, his gaze on Dust's sleeping face, "it is."

Dream blinked hard. The positivity coming off of Horror was strong, and his emotions were filled with fondness and longing. Was there something more here he was missing? He supposed all of the knights were more positive than he had imagined from their prior encounters. Then again, they did all have high HP, so perhaps some hope was to be expected.

Dream supposed it could be his aura's effects strengthening their own diminishing positivity, but they had been rather positive the entire time he had been there...

"So when's the--" Killer yelped as Cross hit him, knocking Dream back into the present as he took notice of Killer rubbing the back of his skull.

"Dude, stop."

Killer chuckled with a wink. "If you want me to stop, gag me."

Cross' cheekbones tinted slightly purple, but his face remained carefully neutral as he maintained eye contact with Killer. "I'd rather not."

"Then I guess you'll just have to--"

"Killer," Dream interrupted politely, setting his hand on Cross' upper arm. "Why don't we keep playing--unless you three would prefer a change of pace?"

Cross stared down at Dream's hand with an odd fixation, the pressure barely noticeable through his many layers. Killer simply hummed an acknowledgement as he dealt the cards, preparing for another round.

"How's the spine?" Horror asked, looking over his cards.

Dream shrunk down into himself slightly, tucking his chin towards his sternum as his shoulders raised. "I'm quite alright, really--"

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