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Shuhua's POV

It was already night time and there was a strong storm outside of our mansion in Taiwan. 

It is a familiar surrounding and event, so I looked around more. I realized what is happening.

I saw the 12 y/o me lying down on my bed, I am sick due to asthma, I just had an asthma attack due to playing excessively outside in the rain.

I miss my parents who are currently abroad, and I wouldn't stop calling them while I am bawling my eyes out.

The maids and our butler tried calming me down, even my eldest sister and brother.

While crying my asthma attacks once again and I turned unconscious. 

Everybody panicked and brought me to the hospital while one of the maids called my parents.

'No, don't call them. They will die!'

The inner me said as this actually happened in the past.

The scene changed into the hospital, but instead of seeing the young me unconscious in a hospital bed, I saw my parents who were being brought into the emergency room. All wounded, burnt up, and losing so much blood.

They got into a plane crash on the way back home when they heard the news about me.

"I'm sorry, Mr and Mrs. Yeh didn't make it." The doctor said to Uncle Liu, Yuqi's father and a close friend of my father. Beside him is my eldest sister Irene unnie who was 18 years old at that time. And Mark oppa who was 14 years old.

All of them cried their hearts out, not able to accept that our parents died out of nowhere.


The scene changed once again, now it is in a hospital ward, Young Shuhua slowly regaining consciousness.

"Jiejie, Uncle Liu." The little Shuhua weakly called out.

"Shuhua, good thing you woke up already." Irene jiejie said as she approached little Shuhua with puffy eyes and a runny nose.

"Da jie, uncle what happened? Why do you guys look like you were crying? And where is Mom and Dad?" The little me keeps on searching.

Irene jiejie looked at Uncle Liu as if looking for support and Uncle Liu just nodded at her.

They made little Shuhua confused. Especially when Irene jiejie sat beside her and held her hands.

Little Shuhua began to feel nervous and uneasy.

"L-Look Shuhua, I don't want to keep everything from you." Irene jiejie paused for a bit. Breathing deeply to find her own voice.

"I-I'm sorry to say this but. T-They are g-gon-e." Irene jiejie said and she began to sob again.

"Gone? What do you mean g-gone?" Little Shuhua confusedly asked. Becoming more nervous as time passes.

"T-hey're gone Shuhua, they d-died in a plane crash going back here to see you after they heard your condition and plea, but our private jet, it got caught up into a sudden turbulence, they lost control and crashed." Irene da jie said as she sobbed.

Little Shuhua, can't hear anything after what she heard about her parents. All she can hear is the loud pounding of her heart, which is slowly breaking into tiny pieces.

"N-No, they are not, stop lying. Please. Uncle Liu, tell me it was all a joke. It's a joke right? Come on, stop it already, i-it's not funny." Little Shuhua said shakily. Not able to accept the idea of her parents dead because of her.

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