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Who's he?

We just spoke and cuddled for hours until we heard his parents call him, I quickly ran to the window and jumped out, I ran to the fence and quickly, yet carefully, I climbed until I reached my house, I noticed as soon as we moved in that there was a small hole in the side of the house, that's how I sneak in and out without being yelled at or being caught. I couldn't sleep nor could I dream that night, I miss Michael, a lot. Even though I just saw him, I miss him. The next day I was woken to the sound of the doorbell ringing, I ran downstairs to the front door hoping that it was Michael, but it was even better. My brother (that I haven't seen in forever) was at the door! I didn't know how else to react, I gave him the biggest hug and I didn't want to let go because I missed him so much. "Ash!" I said with all the happiness in the world "how have you been? It's been what? Eight-ish months?" He chuckled "I'd say about that or maybe nine". We went into my room and started our little dance party with just the two of us, as the next track started to play on my guns n' roses vinyl, I looked over to my window, I saw that Michael was staring at me. I shouted as soon as I saw him "Michael, do you wanna come over?" he nodded and climbed out of his window over to mine and he just stared at me, he looked upset, "what's wrong?" I asked, "Are you cheating on me, Dakota?" He replied with a tear running down his face, I immediately explained who Ashton was and why he's here. He stopped tearing up, I had felt so bad in that exact moment because I forgot to tell him that I had a brother, "Michael this is Ashton, my brother. Ashton this is Michael, my boyfriend" Ashton looked at me in shock, "you have a boyfriend?" I didn't know how to respond, I couldn't think of any words, only his. Ashton chuckled, "why didn't you tell me? How long have you guys been going out? I want to know everything!" Ashton was the type of brother you could tell everything to and he wouldn't tell a soul unless I said he could, and for that I loved him. "We've been going out for six months," Michael said as he took my hand and held it tightly, I could feel the warmth from his hands, I loved it. I squished his hand to let him know that I liked that he was expressing his emotions in front of my brother, it showed me that he was confident and didn't care if people didn't like that we were together.

Ash took us around town in his car because we can't drive yet, I was happy that Ash liked Michael and I was happy that I got to see him again. I hate it that I can't see him all the time but I got annoyed when I lived with him so this is probably for the best. "Are you still skipping classes, Dakota,? Or are you going to them now?" Ashton laughed. I didn't have the greatest reputation in school, much like Ashton but I'm still surprised that I'm not suspended yet, I've skipped school every day for the past week and mum still hasn't gotten a phone call from the school. "No, I still skip, I skipped all week this week. Thanks for giving me another reason to Ash'' I said as I giggled, Michael looked shocked, "you haven't gone either?" He asked, I just looked at him. If he wasn't at school then where could he have been all week? "So, Michael'' Ashton begins to say "Dakota, tells me that you're starting a band. Is that true?" "Yeah, we just need a drummer and a name then we're all set," Michael said as he grabbed my hand and squished it a little. "Now I see why you brought this to my attention, Dakota." I giggled and smiled at Ashton, Michael just looked confused. "I play the drums, I've been in a few shit bands so I don't know what you guys sound like so maybe I could come down and listen to you guys play if you'd like" I knew that Ash wanted to be in a band more than anything in the world, but for him to ask straight up was pretty unpredictable.

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