Chapter 7

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I would like to start off saying I'm sorry I haven't been updating but I'm glad all of you are enjoying this imagine! I will try to update more frequently, thanks for the support

I walked back to the trailer and began reading the script. Everything was amazing, it was just what I had hoped for. I knew this movie was going to be good but now I was reading the script and knew it wound be amazing.


Just a couple years ago I read this series and fell in love the books and characters as well as the actors that portrayed them. Now I was going to be one of those people.

After a couple of hours Thomas walked in.

For a moment I just stared at him and just took it all in. The man of my dreams was standing in front of me and I had kissed him the night before.

Wow. Life can really be amazing. Here I thought I was going to do 4 years of collage and settle down afterwards and start a career and now I was going to be in a big time movie with the cast of my dreams. It really is incredible.

"Hey." He said with his thick perfect British accent.

"Hi." I said with a smile on my face.

"Do you like the script so far?" Thomas asked me.

"Yes it is absolutely amazing! I'm so excited to be apart of it." I replied.

"I'm glad you like it. Would you like me to take you back to your dorm? I'm not sure if you can stay here yet."

"Oh um yeah."I said and stood up with he script in hand with my fingers holding my place within the pages.

I followed Thomas out he door and got in the car with him. It was quiet and awkward for a while but then I began to speak.

"Thank you."

"For what?" He said, focused on driving.

"For letting me meet the cast and pizza last night and if it wasn't for you I wouldn't of gotten the role of Brenda. Also Thanks for the kiss last night." Oh god why did I say that. I immediately began to blush. I looked over at Thomas and he was smiling and blushing a little.

"Your welcome." He said and with that we parked and walked up to the main door to the dorms.

"Thanks for driving me." I said and Thomas reached our for my hand and held it.

"Thank you for bumping into me a couple of days ago." He leaned in closer and bent down because he was taller than me. Then, he kissed me.

It was a passionate nice kiss. I stopped to take a breath then kissed him back letting my fingers run through his dirty blonde hair and he held me closer, our lips in perfect synchronize. I didn't want to pull away but eventually did but didn't stop smiling.

He kissed me on the forehead then said."Goodnight Hope." Thomas then walked away towards his car and drove off.

The One and Only, A Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now