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Pain. Revenge. Rage. Why were the twins feeling like this? Xisuma. Sweet, innocent, little, Xisuma. Bitter, evil, troubled, twins. He got everything. Treats for the smallest things, comforted by mother and father when upset, was a spoiled brat... While they suffered from abuse, neglect, and being bullied for nothing. Since birth, the twins were only fed once a day. And had to teach themselves to walk and talk. They had to steal food from the trash, and if they were lucky, from the fridge. If they were seen, or made too loud of a noise, they were whipped with their fathers belt. But if he came home drunk, it would be much, much worse... they knew to come when called. And if they didn't, they would get a worse punishment.

"F-father please no!"

"No on wans ou" he slurred.

He fidgeted with his belt buckle.

Let's just say that wasn't the last time the twins were violated by the rat of a man that was their father (slim face, large nose, balding scalp, and overall ugly as hell). But when the knife came out, Xelqua knew he had to do something. That night was when the scar in a shape of an "X" came on their faces.
"I should have done this ages ago. We give you a home, yet you steal from us." They had been caught sneaking chicken from the trash and cheese from the fridge. "You brats have gotten away with too much." He struck twice on each of their faces. But Xelqua, clever, cunning, Xelqua, turned the knife to their father, and stabbed him 37 times in the chest. Xenon laughed at the karma, and Xelqua gave him the knife, to end his mother's life. Then they moved to their "brothers" room. Xel struck once, Xen struck again, and when they left the room, seemingly in a trance, XisumaVoid was lying in bed crying his eyes out, as he gained his first scar, an "X" with one straight line, and a jagged line, to remind him of the night, he became an orphan, by his own brothers' hands...

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