Twenty four - Public Appearance

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Sunday consisted of Blake thanking Krystal over and over and promising to repay her. They went back and forth. Blake wanted to do something, Krystal wasn't nothing for it. They settled on Blake bringing lunch for the pair.

The morning hours of school ticked by slowly. Blake waited ever so impatiently to see Krystal.
"Dude, you keep staring at the clock." Blake just grunted. "Bro, what is with you. First you ditch me Friday night and then have Moon Girl,"
"Krystal." Blake corrected him like he always did.
"Yeah, pick you up from the party." Exhausted, Blake looked at Ted.
"Your point?"
"You're different."
"Maybe this is who I am." Ted snorted.
"Blake, I have known your for years, this ain't you." Blake cringed at the wedge that had metastasized between them over the years.

Who knew we grew so far apart. A girl, just one special girl, needed to show us this. We really are two different people now.

"People change." Blake countered his friend, offering a new point of view. Ted shook his head with a smile.
"Ahhh, bro I got it." He clapped his hand on Blake's back. "You getting laid. You always liked the broke ones."

Broken? Even Ted saw her that way. A damaged good, depreciated in value, less than. But she isn't, she never was. Krystal is more than, she is a diamond in the rough, extraordinary!

"I don't think-"
"Gentleman," Mrs. Tallen scolded them, tapping her shoe loudly on the linoleum. Blake shrank away from her sharp voice. "Do you have something you wish to share with everyone else?" Ted chuckled, sinking back into his chair.
"No ma'am." A mischievous smile plastered on his face. Blake's stomached swirled with embarrassment and distain.

We aren't like that, she isn't like that. Something tells me she isn't a virgin, I think she told me, but she's not that kind of girl you use. Ted saw girls like rental cars, use and abuse them, it doesn't matter because they aren't really yours. I had a different view on thing, on women.

After the next class Blake darted our and weaved in and out of people like a race car. He dashed to get to Krystal's class. She was only a few feet from the door when they nearly collided.
"Oh, hi." She stumbled back, eyes widened.
"Hi." Blake smiled down at her.

I know his class is not down the hall, I also know I'm not that slow leaving my own class. I'll pocket that thought for a rainy day.

"So how was the rest of your weekend?" He asked as they headed towards the cafeteria.
"After playing taxi?" He chuckled at his own embarrassment.
"Yes, after playing taxi."
"I just hung out with my parents, saw Oma."
"Does she miss me?" Krystal smirked.
"Very much so."
"My dad won't stop talking about you coming to visit him. I'm pretty sure you're his new favorite child." Krystal smiled up at Blake.

She smiling. She's smiling at me, in front of everyone.

"Hey, It's Moon Girl." Ted joined the pair.
"Her name is Krystal." Blake quickly corrected his friend, for the second time today.
"Sorry." Ted rolled his eyes. "So how'd you really get that scar?" He leaned in.

And what makes him think that I'm going to tell him all my secrets. I'd barley tell Blake my secrets and him and I are friends, he was no where close.

"Tried the Kylie lip challenge on her eyes." Blake answered before she could. Krystal bit her lip as a laugh bubbled up. Before long, she threw her head back in laughter, unable to contain it anymore.

I thought it was funny when I did it, it's so much funnier when someone else does it!

Teds face amplified her laughter, Blake's smile and laughter matching hers.

Wow, she out did herself. She's laughing at my joke! Laughing! In front of everyone! The whole school can now know I have made Krystal 'Moon Girl' Kamowski laugh. And what a beautiful laugh she has.

"Something like that." She looked around the halls. Peoples attention were laser focused on the trio.

Always the center of attention. I'm not sure what's shocking them more, that I'm walking with Blake and Ted or the fact that I laughed. I can't decided myself, both are pretty shocking.

"So you two are an item now." Ted said smugly. Both, Blake and Krystals attention snapped to him.
"What? No." They both said. Blakes cheeks got rosy and Krystal got quiet.

Dating? Ted thinks we're dating. Does the school think we're dating? Does it matter?

God I hate Teds stupid ass right now! How could he say that?! She denied it just as much as I did, but part of me didn't want to. Did she feel the same.

"Right, right. Whatever you say." Ted laughed and walked off. That left Krystal and Blake to deal with the awkwardness.
"Okay, I'm going outside." Krystal said quickly.
"Right, yeah. I'll grab the lunch and met you out there."

Why of all days did Ted have to say that today? The day I bring food for Krystal, that's the day he drops the bomb of, "we're dating". Thanks for making it awkward then leaving Ted, real nice of you. Dick.

Krystal sat on the cement bench twirling a piece of hair between her figures. Blake admired her and made mental notes as he approached.
"Oh, Blake." She perked up when she saw him.

I think my heart just did a somersault in my chest, I might need to get that looked at.

"What do we have?" She rubbed her hands together like a child. Blake pulled out two sandwiches. One was double the size of the other. "Who says I don't eat as much as you?" She slightly pouted.
"No one. Do you want the bigger sandwich?" Krystal pulled back the lid to peer in.
"Hey, that's the cake Oma likes." She point to the white cardboard box that read 'Germ Choc', she'd been to that store enough times to know the box anywhere.
"Well, yeah? It's good cake."

Brownie points for Blake Hardy, ladies and gentlemen.

The pair ate outside. The conversation flowed strongly without interruption. Krystal heard periodic buzzing from Blake's phone, but he never moved to get it. It buzzed again.
"Are you going to get that?" His brows furrowed together with confusion.
"Do you want me to get that?"
"It seems important." Krystal tried to play of her now awkward concern.
"It's probably just Ted."
"Are you sure?"
"Both my parents are at work and Hannah doesn't text me at school and Gabriel isn't even up yet." She nodded trying not to think about it.

It's probably nothing. Why am I worried about it? What if it is his parents? Are they okay? What if it's his friends texting jokes about me? What if this is all just a sick joke to them?

Krystal stared out at the lonely tree in the middle of the yard.
"I feel like that tree sometimes." Blake said aloud. Krystal took a moment before turning to look at him.

Oh shit, why did I say that?

"Me too." She offered a gentle smile then looked back to the tree. Krystal's hand rested on the bench next to her. Blake put his hand next to her, touching hers slightly. She looked down at their hands then up at him.

His hands is touching me. It's warm. Is he trying to hold my hand or is this just coincidence.

"Want to hang out again?" Blake blurted.
"Am I playing taxi or just being your friend?" He smiled but didn't met her eyes.
"No taxi."

I swear I will never drink again, until I'm 21 at least.

Finally their eyes met, gingerly, she nodded. "Good." Sparks fizzled between the pair.

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