Thirty Three - Dinner And The Final Door

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In Tuesday's class, Blake watched Krystal's pen twirl around on the page, drawing a face with clouds for eyes and a hand waving. On top, in calligraphy she wrote 'Daniel'.

Daniel? When was there ever someone else? Who is he? When did they meet? Was it yesterday and I don't know about yet?

Long minutes ticked by, his eyes never left the drawing until it was done. At the bottom, it small, loopy cursive she wrote 'Elton John'.

Right. Daniel, by Elton John. I'm an idiot.

"Are you going to watch me all class?" Krystal whispered as Mr. Willy droned on. Blake leaned in closer to her.
"You're good." She rolled her eyes. "Want to hang out tonight?"
"My mom is making yakisoba if you want to join us?"
"I'm not sure what that is, but I'm in." They shared a smile.

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"Is dad going to be home for dinner?" Krystal padded in the kitchen, slipping her back pack on a bar stool.
"As of right now, no. Blake coming over?" Due to their constant cling to each other, both family's grew accustom to expecting their company.
"Yes." She grabbed a juice box from the fridge. The door bell rang. "I told him the door in unlocked." She rolled her eyes on the way to answer the door. Blake stood on the other side with his hands in his pockets like he always does. "I told you the door is unlocked."
"I know, but still."
"Whatever." They trooped back into the kitchen.
"Hello Blake."
"Hi Mrs. Kamowski." Dispute her asking him just call her Sarah, Blake refused and would refer to her as Mrs. Kamowski. She opened her mouth the to protest.
"Don't bother, he does stuff on his own accord." Her mother snickered. Krystal shoved a juice box at Blake and they exited the kitchen.

As predicted, Krystals dad has to work late and would miss dinner, so the trio sat around and ate. To Krystal, it wasn't as lively as eating with the Hardy's, but Blake enjoyed it just the same.

"Blake, you figure out something to do while mom and I clean up." She talked as if Mrs. Kamowski was both her and Blake's mom. It never crossed her mind to talk about her mother any differently.
"Are you sure?" Mrs. Kamowski waved the bout out of the dinning room and to the living room. "Alright, alright. I'll be master minding in her." The women chuckled and started to clear the table.

"Blake's cute, I like him." Krystal placed the stacked dishes next to her mom.
"Yeah, me too." A small smile played on her lips. Her mother took in her expression for a moment.
"And to think he is not what you want." She teased, pink crept on Krystal's cheeks. Blake cleared his throat behind them. Immediately, Krystal met his eyes. His face was cold and hard.
"I think I'm going to go." There was no affection in his voice like normal.

He has never looked at me like that before.

"Blake-" He waved his hand in dismissal and  disappeared from the doorway. "I have to go." She rushed to follow him. "Blake!" She yelled after him. Not stopping, he called over his shoulder,
"Goodbye Krystal." Panic set in as he headed straight for his car.

He needs to stop. He can't leave. I can't lose him. He can't get into that car!

"Blake!" Krystal shrieked. "You can't leave here angry! You're not leaving until we're okay." Her chest heaved up and down, tears started to roll down her cheeks.
"Why?" He snapped as he flung open the Jeep door. Her eyes widened in panic.

I can't leave until we're okay? What a control freak! Oh my god. Shit. No. Nancy.

Blake put his keys on the hood and closed the door. Anger still pumped in his veins, but he understood her request. She didn't need to answer.
"I'm sorry. Okay? You only heard parts of it."
"And what didn't I hear?" He leaned on the hood with his arms crossed.

This is it. This is the final door to let him completely in. He's made it this far and hasn't run. He knows everything. It's just one more piece of yourself. Come on Krystal, you can do it.

"What I said was true, you were the last person I wanted to trust or to be my friend. You are popular, have lots of fan girls. None of that is my scene." Blake's face darkened with anger. "That being said, I don't regret it, not in the slightest. You may have been my last choice, but I'm glad I didn't get to chose. If I had to go back, I'd do it all over again, the same. The saying goes 'you can't always get what you want, you get what you need.' I always thought that was such horse shit, then you happened and I understand." Blake's shoulders slouched and his face softened the more she talked. "You have to understand your dad saves people for a living and he couldn't save Nancy. I thought that only meant I was a lost cause too."

I'm not what she wanted, but I'm what she needed....but....

"Am I want you want now?" They stared at each other. "As a friend." He clarified. Krystal nodded.

As a friend and as more than that but I can't tell you that. You're the only person I have. The only friend. If I lost you, I'd lose myself all over again. I don't think I could survive it again.

Blake nodded in return.
"I'm sorry." Krystal swallowed, trying to hold in another sob, not wanting to start crying again.
"Hey, come here." He pulled her into a hug. Now, she couldn't help but sob. "Why are you crying?"
"I thought you were going to leave. I thought I was going to lose you too." Blake squeezed her tightly.
"Shh, it's okay. I'm not going anywhere Krystal, I promise." She nodded and nuzzled farther into him.

Selfishly, it felt good to know she was scared of losing me, I was scared of losing her too. I was something worth having in her life, that was a feeling beyond words.

After a long embrace Krystal pulled back.
"Do you still want to leave?" She sniffled.
"Well, kinda. Do you want to come with me?" She didn't answer, she just squeezed him tighter.

I don't want to let go. I don't want him to stop being just right here. I don't want to stop hugging him or smelling him. He's become a security blanket for me.

Eventually, Krystal pulled away.
"I'll go tell my mom and grab my wallet." Blake nodded and climbed into the Jeep. Inside, Krystals mom paced not far from the door, nervously biting the skin around her nails. When their eyes connected, she stopped moving.
"Did he leave?" Krystal shook her head.
"It's okay, we're okay."
"Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean any-"
"Mom, I know. It happens. We're okay, I promise. There are no hurt feelings. We were actually going to go out for the night, is that okay?" Her mom engulfed her in a hug.
"Of course." She was muffled by her daughters hair.

Krystal grabbed her wallet from her school bag and headed out the door.
"Bye mom, I love you."
"You don't have your keys." She noticed.
"No, Blake's driving."
"Blake's driving?" Krystal nodded confidently. "Look at you, fearless." She smiled at her grown daughter with wet eyes.
"I'll use the spare if I need to when I get home. Love you."
"Love you more." Krystals heart swelled, that was something she used to say to Nancy.

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