Thirty Two - Apologize

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I can't sleep and quite frankly, what the point of it anyway? I have to be up in less than three hours for school. Well, to get ready for school anyway. My body will hate me for this later. I will hate Blake for making my body hate me for this, later. Who am I kidding, no I won't. Wheatie, that view was incredible! Beautiful! I've never seen anything like it. I am so glad he came and tapped on my window.

I wonder if she's wide away too. I can't sleep, I don't want to sleep. I actually wish I'd never dropped her off. I wish we were still on Wheatie or getting coffee or - I should bring her coffee tomorrow. I did keep her up all night. I really hope she liked it. She looked so beautiful in the moonlight.

The alarm clock blared and jolted Krystal awake. Flipping her hand, she smacked the alarm clock on the floor like she does nearly every morning.

When did I fall asleep? Lord, I'm exhausted. Now I really hate myself today.

Blake had already left his house by the time Krystal got out of bed. She'd hit the snooze button four times already. Sunshine slipped through her bedroom curtains. A soft knock came from her bedroom door.
"You awake?" Her dad peaked into the room.
"Oh, normally you're in the bathroom getting ready by now." Sinking on the her bed, he watched her expression. A warm silence settled between them. "Was it Blake who you snuck out with?" Nonchalantly he asked, the color drained from her face.
"What? I- I-" He chuckled.
"I'm not mad. I actually like the kid. Truthfully, I'm glad you're living again Krystal. Just next time, tell us, please. If we're sleeping, just text me. Just in case." His eyes were soft but his voice was firm.
"Of course dad, I'm sorry." An understanding smile graced his face. "Does mom know?" He shook his head.

Another Krystal and daddy secret, just how I liked them. It's not that I didn't want my mom to know, she probably would chastise Blake for taking me out, but I know that her and Nancy had secrets. That's how this house went. Daddy and I had secrets and mom and Nancy had secrets. No one complained or pushed, that was just the dynamic.

"Did you have fun?"
"I did."
"What did you do?" She smiled at the memories of the night before.
"Stared at a field." She left out sitting on Wheatie, her father was never a fan of climbing object that weren't meant to be climbed on.
"Strange, but okay. Are you tired?"
"Yeah." Krystal yawned and stretched for the third time this morning. "Can I stay home?" She tried her luck.
"Absolutely not." He chuckled. "You do the crime you pay the time." He kissed her forehead. "Come on, up, up, up." He grabbed a corner of her comforter and pulled it away as he walked back to the door.
"Hey dad?" He raised his eyebrow, giving her his attention. "How did you know?"
"I'm a father, that's my job."
"Did you know when Nancy snuck out?" Without another word, he gave her a knowing smile and left.

Of course he did, he's our dad.

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The school halls were packed tight with students in motion. Krystal got bounced around, back and forth, like always. That was until Blake came, his tall figure created space around them. Everyone cleared room for him.

Why does he look normal and I look like The Walking Dead? Unfair!

Blake handed her a warm coffee and a chocolate chip scone.
"Oh you get me!" She smiled, bumping into him playfully.
"I figured we both need the coffee." She grabbed his arm.
"I fell asleep for like an hour and now I want to die!" Blake laughed at her theatrics.
"I cleaned my room and then went and got coffee."
"You cleaned your room? Amazing!"
"Shut up!" They laughed together.

Blake dread first hour. Without a friend the class was tedious and border line snooze fest. First hour was the only time Blake ever felt a pang of missing Ted, but that was necessarily due to Ted but due to loneliness.

The class droned on like expected. He couldn't help his mind from wondering back to last night.

She looked so happy, laughing, smiling and telling all sorts of stories. I felt like we talked for years and never ran out of conversation. How can you spend all your time with someone and never run out of things to talk about? I'm glad I took her there, it's been awhile since I've even been myself. It was nice.

The bell rang, signaling for the next class. Blake piled all the things he failed to pack up in his day dream before the end of class. A figure awkwardly rocked next to me.
"Hey man." Blake looked up, shocked at the sound of Teds voice. "I uh, I gotta say I'm sorry for what I said about Krystal, I was wrong." Blake started for a moment until he realized it was his turn to speak.
"Uh, thank you." Ted nodded slightly.
"I haven't seen you smile like that in a long time, I'm happy for you man." Blake smiled slowly and nodded. Ted gave him a distant smile and left.

For most people that would be an awkward conversation and only a half hearted apology, but I know Ted. Even in our years of drifting, I still knew him. Ted wasn't one to apologize or consider someone's feelings as much as his own. This was huge for him, and I greatly appreciated it. He was also right, Krystal was the happiness I never knew I was lacking.

Blake plowed through the crowds to find Krystal. A freshman stumbled, almost falling over as Blake pulled Krystal to him.
"Woah!" She yelped, almost dropping her phone.
"Guess what?" He panted.
"You're running away from the loony bin?"
"No, Ted apologized." Her face twisted into an unreadable expression.
"Are you guys friends again?" Blake snorted.
"No, just no more bad blood." Krystal sighed and smiled. Her attention dropped back to her phone and her fingers started to move on the screen. "Who are you talking to?" He peered over her shoulder.
"Hannah and Gabriel, you nosey person." She bumped him playfully.
"Why are you talking to my sisters?"
"Hannah has a date and wants our option on her outfit."
"Why is she asking you?" They both stopped in the hall, students bowed around them.
"Because why not?" She frowned. They both looked down at her outfit. Her jeans were dark washed and ripped accompanied by her outfit staple, a flannel. A black lace tank top filled the space underneath. Her cherry red Converse matched her flannel perfectly.
"You wear a flannel almost every day."
"Who do you think Nancy asked about this stuff?"
"Oma or your mom."
"She would never ask Oma! Oma didn't approve of her dating. My mom dresses like a mom, so that leaves me."

I liked that Hannah was asking me. I missed this with Nancy. I know our styles are no where near alike, but it was still fun. It was like a life size Barbie.

"Wait, Hannah has a date?" Krystal giggled and kept walking.
"I have to get to class."
"Wait, wait, wait, wait!" He caught up to her. Stopping outside her classroom door she pulled her hair to encompass her. Watching the silk fall around her, he was so mesmerized, he forgot his question.
"You stopped me to stare at me?"
"No." He jolted back to life. "Hannah is going on a date?" Krystal hummed in agreement. "How did I not know?"
"You're her brother, why would she tell you?" Blake wasn't over protective, how could he be? Hannah was four and a half years older than him.
"So told Gabriel."
"Sisters are different. There a friend, diary and sibling, all in one."
"But I tell her everything." He pouted.
"Blake," Krystal's eyes sparkled in the bright lights. "Girls tell each other everything, and I mean everything. I already know more about your sisters than I care to disclose. It's not the same for guys. It's not that she doesn't love you or want you to know. It's just not the same." Studying her face, Blake was only half listening. The moment dragged out. "Earth to Blake?"
"I heard you. I'm just thinking."
"About?" The bell rang, saving Blake from impending embarrassment. "You're late." She laughed and slipped into class.

Thank you bell! Not thank you for making me late, but thank you from saving me from answering that. I was thinking about her hair, her eyes, her smile, they way she talks, the way she laughs. Sometimes I forget she never used to laugh or smile or even really talk. I remember hearing her laugh for the first time, I thought I was going to melt!

I like being close with the Hardy family. It was another safe place with them. Quite honestly, all of them. They are all family now. I got along with Hannah and Gabriel just as much as his parents but not nearly the same as him.

The door was locked. Apparently the embarrassment was gone, just shifted to a new focus. After knocking twice the door opened.
"You're late." His teacher scowled. Blake gave her a tight-lipped, apologetic smile.

That will have to do for now.

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