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A tall sender male rushed down the hall way towards the hall, his shirt was untooked and his tie was loose . He looked as though he had just rolled out of bed, to be fair he basically had. You see, Leorio had over slept, his alarm went off but he pressed sooze. Smart idea. When he finally woke up he had 15 minutes to get up, get dressed and get to school. It was his first day back after summer break, he was a third year now. He was supposed to set an example for the first years, with being in the eldest year group and all, but no. Here he was late to the welcoming ceremony. Thankfully he hadn't been give any important jobs, he could sneek in the back and blend in like nothing happened.

That was what he hoped for but he wasn't the only one running late, he collided with a fair blond that came from the opposite direction to him. The was a load oof from the pair of them and Leorio stepped back, he got his balance fine but the blond wobbled. They was much shorter than Leorio and had full forces collided with his chest causing him to stumble. As they was about to fall Leorio reached out his hand and took the other rist pulling them forward stopping them from falling, the blonds free hand come up to hold his head as his gaze moved up form the other males hand to his face. He had a strong face, a sharp jawline, spiky hair and rather masculine features. This was the opposite form him.

Clouded grey eyes met with his own, Leorio felt his cheeks flush ever so slightly, the blond had such delicate and feminine fecures. He was totally Leorio type, if it wasn't for the fact that he was a guy. Honestly it confused Leorio for a moment he thought he was staring into the eyes of a girl, one he would definitely shoot his shot at. Those long eyelashes, pink lips, soft jaw line didn't look fit for a male. But sure enough he was wearing the male uniform, which would only mean he was male himself?...

When the other pulled their hand away Leorio had realised he had been staring a little too much. He felt even more embarrassed after running into him.

"I'm sorry!"

The two said in sink, they started at each other slight perplexed before Leorio smirked.

"oh hah it's cool I guess, you should watch were you're going thought. Next time you might not be so lucky as to run into such a nice guy like me."

The blond male frowned his brows unimpressed by Leorio's words. He took back his words, he wasn't sorry at all. If Kurapika had been just a little taller he might of headbutted him instead and knocked some sense into the guy he thought.

" tch.. " he rolled his eyes as he walked to the doors reaching his hand out to push it open "whatever.." he said in a very melo tone before pushing the doors open and creeping inside.

His reaction didn't sit well with Leorio either, the guy had such a pretty face but his attitude was so cold. He let out a huff before creeping into the hall after him and joining his class on the far end away from Kurapika.

The two were on different ends of the hall but he couldn't peel his eyes away from the boy, Kurapika felt uneasy and could sense the eyes on him. He scowled and looked over in Leorios direction, this caught Leorio by surprise. He frowned and pouted and turned his head sharpy away.

"can Leorio Paladiknight please come to the staff room."

A female chimed from the coms threw out the school, Leorio was sat at the back of the class room gazing out the window when the call got his attention. Everyone turned to look at him he looked just as confused as they did, Leorio was in fact a very sensible student. He got good grades and did as he was told most the time and on top of that he was of course rather popular. He was a easy going guy, it wasnt too hard to be friend him.

But being popular wasn't all that great, he didn't have a best friend. He didn't have close friends. Just friends. They got along but they wasn't close enough to invite him out with them and because he didn't go out with them he didn't have any inside joke or understand these. With being popular people assumed he would be rather busy so no one ever asked and Leorio never felt like it was his place to ask them, so he just got on with his work.

He stood up from his desk tooking his hand into his pocket and with the other free hand he  ran it threw his dark messy hair with a sigh.

"I wonder what I did this time.... Ah!... Did they find out I was late?.."

He groaned as he head out the class room and grumbled his way along the hall ways. He soon came to the staff room door, and with a deep breath he pulled the sliding down open.

Inside he notice one person that shouldn't of been there, one person he had hoped to avoid. He was burning a glare threw the back of the blonds head which Kurapika could feel. He looked back behind him to find Leorio standing there, the two was both rather confused to see each other.

"your name is Leorio?..."

Kurapika asked clearly displeased with the information, Leorio had no idea why that would of bothered him so much.

"hmph, that's Leorio senpai to you. You are a first year right? Well I'm a third year, so that makes me your Senpai."

Kurapika rolled his eyes, the word Senpai wasn't something he felt comfortable using. You see Kurapika was an exchange student and where he comes from the term Senpai didn't exist. They didn't refer to the elders in a special way like Leorio was used to so Kurapika refused to ever call him Senpai.

"so you two have met?"

A female teach asked who was sitting in the chair in front of them, she had hot pink hair and two pigtails. She was rather young as well for a teacher.


"great! Well Leorio this is Kurapika, he is our exchange student this year, please make him welcome. He will also be staying with you and your cares while he is here in Japan, I'm sure Mrs Chihiro has already informed you about this?"

"wait wait wait! Your the guy who's supposed to be staying with us??"

"seems so..."


Leorio groaned, Leorio was adopted. Because his parents were cares they already past everything they needed to take in a exstange student, that's why they had ask them if they would take Kurapika in while he was staying here. It was easier and quicker than finding another suitable student whos family fit the criteria needed when they knew of one already. Leorio had known of Kurapika's coming for months, he had been looking forward to it. Now?... Not so much.

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