Swerving on the 405, I can Never Keep my Eyes Off This

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The first time Edith Tozier officially meets Stanley Barber, it's her first day of school in the new town.

      It was a week since she moved in and was back at it with hiding away from the world in her room. Or the living room. But she didn't dare step foot outside the house.

      It's not like she hated people. She just...yeah, she hated people. Especially after the clown incident. Being around people just made her anxious and uncomfortable. She didn't understand how she was so comfortable with the Losers yet turned into a shell of a girl when in all of her classes.

      But she didn't need to make friends. Just get in and get out. Keep her head down and ignore everyone and everything. Mind her own business because lord knows that if someone tried to mess with her, they'd end up with quite a few broken bones.

      Edith just wished she could stay in the safety of her own home, with her two dads who loved her, her journal and her headphones. Just block the world and stay in her safe bubble with the ones who understood her.

      But no. School had to wriggle its way in her life and fuck everything up.


      "You got everything you need?" Her dad asked Edith once they parked in front of the school, the younger Tozier now fiddling with the strap of the backpack between her knees.

     "Mmhmm. Pretty sure." She mumbled, fidgeting some more until her dad placed his hand over hers.

      "Sweetie...it's gonna be okay. I know it's scary being in a new school in a new town, but it'll be okay. If you're feeling...anxious or upset, call me and I'll come racing over to pick you up." Her dad told her in reassurance, his eyes soft as Edith started to relax under his gaze and nodded.

      She probably would end up calling him. She could feel her anxiety flare up just at the thought of interacting with other students and teachers.

      But hell, it wasn't Edith's fault that she happened to be wired where she was more comfortable with a group of forty-one year olds than kids her own age.

      Why the fuck did she have to be so weird? Why couldn't she be normal?

      "I'll be fine." Edith insisted with a little smile despite how she truly felt, leaning in to give him a quick kiss on his cheek. She didn't need to worry her dad over her own stupid feelings.

      Her dad smiled, adjusting his thick lensed glasses before ruffling her curls as she giggled. "Alright, head on out there. Don't kick anyone's ass. But if you do, don't get caught." He winked and she smirked.

      If anyone allowed Edie to kick bullies' asses, it was her dad.

      He was so cool!

      "Aye aye, Captain!" She gave him a mock salute, giggling before getting out of the car and swinging her backpack over her shoulder. She looked toward the high school like it was Mount Everest, took a deep breath and walked forward.

      Edith trudged to the school, keeping her head down. Some curls were over her eyes, tickling her eyelashes but she didn't bother moving it. Get in, get out. She just needed to keep her head down and her mouth shut.

      God knows chaos only ensues once she opens her mouth.

      Not only was she a trashmouth like her father, but she could chew someone and spit them back out and leave them in tears from her sharp words.

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