My Neck, the Feeling of Your Soft Lips

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The first time Edith Tozier hangs out with Stanley Barber, it's in his basement with Bloodwitch blasting on full volume.

      As the school week went by, Edith and Stanley were practically inseparable.

      They walked each other to class and sat around at lunch, eating and cracking jokes and talking shit about their classmates.

      All and all, it felt almost natural to be around him.

      Even though Stanley was odd and quirky and Edith was short-tempered and sarcastic. They seemed to even each other out somehow.

      Stanley was a weirdo and Edith was a trashmouth. Yet their friendship was awesome within only a few days.

      We should hang out. Stanley wrote to her on a half sheet of paper, sliding it to her desk beside him as the teenage girl read his chicken scratch writing.

       She didn't even think about it before responding in her own sloppy penmanship that seemed like a mixture of printing and cursive. Sure. When & where?

      My place, after school? He wrote back and Edith had just finished reading it, shooting him a smile and a quick nod before a voice spoke up.

      "Am I interrupting something?" Both of them straightened up when their teacher, Mr. Jones, spoke to them with a frown on his face.

      They were both silent for a moment, Edith's hand still clasped around the note. "I mean...kinda?" She sounded polite as she smiled and the strangled noise Stanley emitted next to her sounded like he was trying to suppress his giggles.

      Mr. Jones narrowed his eyes just slightly before they casted down on the note in her hand. "I'll be taking that, thank you," he started, about to grab the note but in one swift motion, the curly-haired girl shoved the note in her mouth.

      She could hear the quiet snickers of her classmates and a low wheezing sound from the boy beside her, chewing the half sheet of paper for a moment before swallowing it, all while maintaining eye contact with their history teacher.

      "I'm sorry, what were you taking again?" She asked innocently, trying to ignore how her new friend started coughing to mask up his laughter.

      Mr. Jones really couldn't do anything now, narrowing his eyes again before continuing with the lesson.

      At this point, Edith finally looked at Stanley and relished over the fact that he was red-faced with both hands clamped over his mouth so he wouldn't burst out laughing.

      She'd make a better comedian than her dad, she bet.

      "You ate the note...I can't believe you fucking ate a sheet of fucking paper!" Stanley said to her after class, walking beside her as he started to laugh properly.

      "Well, fuck me in the dick with a cactus if I didn't want Jonesy to be reading our private conversation out loud to the class." She said with a soft laugh, adjusting her backpack as she giggled again at the thought of how much Eddie would be freaking out if he found out that she literally ate paper.

      The teenage boy beside her blinked a few times. "Fuck you in the where with a what?"

      She merely shrugged her shoulders up and down. "We gonna head to your place or what?"

      He chuckled softly, shaking his head slightly. "Alright, c'mon. I gotta show you Bloodwitch before I literally scream."

      Of course Stanley wanted her to listen to Bloodwitch. She hadn't heard the band before but had a hard time to stop laughing when she admitted that she hadn't heard them before because of her new friend's reaction.

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