Letter 2: Section 1

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After leaving Steve's town we found an in to stay that night. We decided it was a time for celebration and so Tortle and I drank a good portion of ale and passed out. I collected some more rock samples for you, Lady Leda. I should also note that I found an adorable red turtle. Well, I thought it was a Turtle, turns out it was actually a God by the name of Lord Drasc. It's a shame really, before I knew it was a god I had originally named it Jessica-Henry'' I didn't know if it was a maiden or a gent. It did make Poppy cry, I'll have to see if it's not too late to train a God how to behave? Lord Drasc's nickname, however shall be Ted Daddyson!! He is very authoritative and "Daddy" like.

"Ode to Red Turtle: Revised"

Jessica-Henry with your devine red shell

Angry and lonely, you've long been

I'll love you and shelter you much like an alcoholic loves and shelters Gin

A harness made, you look swell

You no longer have to place your heart in a bin

We are here to love you and turn those frowns into grin

Now there you are, snapping away

I can feel there's more you're keeping at bay

A journey with you, you'll soon see

All your new friends fight and be merry

Jessica-Henry I only have this song that I can convey

To share how much I already love you and will always love you for days 


Ted Daddyson tried snapping at Poppy! I am so hurt, how can my baby harm such a lovely girl! I must teach Lord Drask proper etiquette! Poppy is so darling and I don't want to see her in pain, ever!


Lady Leda, I think Ted Daddyson (Lord Drask) might be into us, and by "us" I mean Me.We've just finished signing away 10 years to go on adventures and I have a Brand on my lower back now! I'd say we're definitely exclusive and committed. To explain more; I'm not dying anytime soon (or ever because I have things to live for), so I figured "What's 10 years?" In exchange each of us was promised an amazing item and something worth working for, but in order to save time on our adventure, one of us would have had to give up that reward. I was promised "The Ultimate Instrument," but as tempting as it is, I could see this weighed heavily on my companions. I decided to sacrifice my reward, I have a better reward than what was promised and they're my Friends.

Lady Leda, I know I tend to come to love people easy, but my new friends really allow me to be myself. They adore me as I adore them, no homo... a little homo. I look forward to the day I get to talk about you, I love you more than a sunflower loves the sun. My heart only sings each day because it knows you're safe and well. It now dances to the songs because each day I can look forward to Poppy's glow as she talks of tea and flowers, to Clicks rhythmically share tales and talk to me, and to Tortlini's sweet smile as he scribbles away on the pages of his Journal. 

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