Letter 1: Section 2

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I've collected small rocks and pebbles from various places we've been. I'll lay them all on another page, along with my sketches of my companions. I also thought you would appreciate some flower petals from the flowers Poppy's so graciously bestowed upon me. I see her efforts to help me score a lover, however these fair maidens and bachelors seem to deny themselves of me, poor fools. I shall forgive them, they must be nervous to fall for one like me. I couldn't possibly deny myself, and I don't. We found the family's heirloom... it was a wilderbeast I had acquainted, I was going to make it my companion and allow it to journey with me, but alas... it already had a home. Poppy must have seen my face, I was sad to part ways with it, but Poppy gifted me with a daisy, it made me feel a little better. There was a moment I envied the family and their heirloom (I named it Wil... because where there's a Wil, there's a Way) it was able to be reunited with the people it loves... My heart aches for you, dear Lady Leda.


A merchant gifted Poppy with a lavender plant, it was quite the day maker for her. You should have seen her eyes twinkle. It was enough to make my heart swell with excitement too! The wonderful merchant who gifted Poppy this lavender was known as Marvin. He had an enchanting shop, full of things I'll never use... But my companions seemed to enjoy scouring Marvin's store. I wrote a song for the Merchant Marvin...

"Marvin the Merchant"

Enchanting shop, Marvin, you are so bright

Meet you when the rooster crows, not at night

"Be there, or don't, I don't really care

I'm leaving at that time whether or not you lot are there"

Marvin, Marvin

Lover of the Sales in your store

I see you gift Poppy with that Lavender, we adore


The mighty Clicks was able to intimidate some bandits, which was impressive to see to say the least. He somehow managed to scare them while remaining the least bit intimidating. He was very relaxed the entire time. Clicks is very bold, I admire him so. I should buy him an ale and ask him how he manages to work his charisma so well.

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