Chapter 2

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The hues of purple, pink, and orange painted the sky as Dei'ani stood against the balcony looking out over the water as the sun began to rise. With her eyes closed, she raised her face to the sky and inhaled. A plethora of thoughts ran through her mind, mainly what happened last night between her and the man in bed not ten feet away. As she stood there, she began to smile when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her from behind. "Bonjour amour. Porquoi êtes-vous debout si tôt?"(Hello love. What are you doing up so early?) He placed a kiss on her cheek before bringing his lips to her neck. Dei'ani moaned and turned in his arms. "Je voulais voir le Soleil se lever lors de Notre dernier matin ici."(I wanted to see the sunrise on our last morning here.) Dei'ani tilted her head to the side as he continued trailing kisses on her neck up to her ear. "Reviens au lit mon amour. Je veux encore profiter de ton beau corps." (Come back to bed my love. I want to enjoy your beautiful body again.) Dei'ani followed him back into the room and crawled onto the bed. He lay down next to her and began placing kisses all over her neck and chest. Dei'ani moaned and grasped the back of his head, holding him to her as he gave attention to both her nipples before moving lower. He made his way to her center and inhaled deeply. Dei'ani watched him circle his tongue around her clit and she moaned while dropping her head back onto the pillow. She moaned again and looked between her legs to see him slowly start to disappear. She screamed," What, no!" When she opened her eyes again, Regina was leaning over shaking her. "Dei, are you okay? What's wrong, I heard you screaming all the way downstairs. Did you have a nightmare?" Dei'ani raised herself on her elbows and quickly glanced around her room. With a deep sigh, she fell back on her pillows and threw her arm over her eyes. Regina stood looking down at her. When she sat up again, Dei'ani looked around the room again before throwing the covers off of her and rising from the bed. She moved towards the bathroom before being stopped. "Well, are you going to tell me why you were yelling, or do I have to guess?" Dei'ani threw a 'later' over her shoulder before stepping into the bathroom and shutting the door. As the water cascaded down her body, Dei'ani couldn't get the images out of her head. It all had felt so real. Her body was still humming from the feeling of his lips and a small moan slipped from between her lips. She shook her head and quickly washed up and exited the shower. Dei'ani dried off and threw on her ice blue silk robe. She slipped her feet in a pair of matching slippers and headed downstairs. On her way down the stairs, the wonderful aromas of breakfast assaulted her senses and her stomach growled. She greeted her best friend, who was standing at the counter whisking eggs in a bowl while bacon and sausages sizzled on the stove and a platter of pancakes sat in the middle of the table. Dei'ani walked over to the counter and turned the coffee pot on before moving to set the table. She sat down and watched as Regina finished fixing breakfast. As she waited, Dei'ani couldn't help but think back to last night and then to the dream she had this morning. She was so deep in thought that she hadn't heard Regina calling her.

"Where were you girlie, I've called you at least five times. You seem like you were a million miles away. What's on your mind?" Dei'ani stared up into her best friend's eyes for a minute before closing her own eyes and letting out a deep sigh. Regina sat down across from her and waited for her to speak. Dei'ani glanced out the window to see her neighbors' kids playing in their backyard and a smile crossed her lips. When she turned back, Regina had a concerned look on her face. Dei'ani gave her a small smile before speaking. "I'm okay I guess. I just keep thinking about yesterday and last night." Regina sat watching her waiting for her to continue, but she reached across the table and gripped her hand when she didn't. "What about it? Does it have anything to do with a certain man and your feelings for him?" Dei'ani nodded before turning her attention to her breakfast. She felt her best friend staring at her, but she refused to acknowledge it. When the silence became unbearable, she looked up to see Regina's eyes on her. "What, why are you staring at me like that?" Regina is quiet for a while and the silence is killing Dei'ani, but she doesn't dare speak. After a few minutes, Regina sighs. "You still haven't told him how you feel about him, have you?" Dei'ani shakes her head and pushes her plate away. "Why won't you tell him Dei? You've been having these feelings since you met him and that's been over two years. It wouldn't hurt to let him know how you feel." Dei'ani quickly shook her head and stood from the table. " I can't tell him Reg, he's my boss. What am I supposed to say to him? I know I've worked for you for the past two and a half years and I've been in love with you for most of it?" When the words left her mouth, Dei'ani wished she could take the back. She covered her mouth with her hand and swiftly walked upstairs to her bedroom, softly shutting the door. By the time Regina walked into her bedroom, Dei'ani was dressed and sitting on her window seat overlooking her front yard.

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