Chapter One

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Boscha stood with the rusty smidge in her hands. She had almost lost to Half-A-Witch Willow, the human Luz, and Amity Blight. She held a victorious smirk as she turned to leave, ordering her fellow teammates to follow her. Instead of listening, her lackeys ran off to speak with Willow and her team.

"You're really good Willow, would you want to be on our team?" Boscha looked on in disbelief as Cat offered Willow the position.

Willow had politely declined, but the pure fact they had offered her to join the team without even consulting her, THE TEAM CAPTAIN!!! Boscha could feel her anger grow.

"Good, because I wouldn't have let you join anyway," Boscha said, glaring at Willow. "Let's go girls." She demanded as she turned around again.


Boscha turned around quickly. "What did you just say?"

Amelia stood tall. "I said no. You can't just order us around like this! I'm sick of you treating everyone like they're less important than you!"

"What's the problem here! What has changed!" Boscha growled.

Skara spoke up next, "No one was willing to stand up to you before. Now someone stronger and kinder has stood up and faced you like a real champion, like a real winner."

Boscha's heart hammered. She was a real winner. Why did it hurt so much to hear them say that?

"They didn't even win." Boscha said, rolling her eyes. "But whatever, hang out with these losers, I don't care." Boscha turned back around and walked off, leaving Cat, Skara, and Amelia to chat with their newfound friends.


Boscha returns home, fuming with anger. Her parents weren't home, so she was completely alone.

The bully stormed up to her room. Once inside, she walked up to her mirror and looked herself in the eyes.

"You are a winner! They aren't stronger than you, and they never will be!" She yelled at her reflection. "So what if you end up friendless and alone as long as you are feared!"

But she wasn't feared anymore. Amity made fun of her, and no one was afraid to laugh. That human was brave enough to face her and become her target. In the end, Half-a-witch Willow wasn't even afraid of her! Her friends weren't even afraid of speaking out against her.

This wasn't over. She was still the star player. Everyone would still love her! They would still fear her, and those that didn't would be forced back into place. She smirked and looked herself in the eyes once again.

"You are a winner. You will always be a winner. People may hate you, but you are feared. That's what matters."

She walked away from her mirror and retrieved her sleepwear. She proceeded into the bathroom, where she took a long hot shower.

Boscha stepped out of her bathroom, wearing a canary-yellow sleep shirt that hung off one shoulder and black athletic shorts. She laid down in her bed.

"Tomorrow, I'll show them all not to mess with me." She laughed to herself before turning off her bedside lamp and going to sleep.


"Are you sure you don't wanna join the team, Willow? You'd be amazing!" Cat exclaimed as she threw her arms up.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I don't think grudgby is really my thing." Willow responded.

"Well, that's a shame, but if you ever change your mind, you're always welcome aboard Willow." Cat smiled.

"You did pretty well too, Luz." Skara said, standing behind the couch.

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