Chapter Thirty- Four

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Twigs snapped, and leaves crunched as she ran through the woods. Tears continued to cascade down her face, blurring her vision. She goes to wipe her eyes, tripping over a root she hadn't been able to see.

She was sent rolling down a steep hill. Luckily, she missed the trees growing on the incline. However, she wasn't lucky enough to miss the one growing at the bottom of the hill. Her back slammed into the wide trunk, knocking the wind out of her.

The shock and adrenaline running through her made her right arm, back, and left ankle numb. She pushed herself up on her left arm. She looked back up the hill she had just tumbled down.

Her fear from earlier was gone. She had successfully run away! She was safe now... safe from what? Her father was dead... the man she had run away from wasn't hostile.

Her heart raced as she looked around the forest. She knew all she needed to do to get back was climb the hill and head straight. It was the direction she had come from.

Her adrenaline was fading, and the pain was consuming her body. She was beginning to feel all the cuts, bruised, and the bones she undoubtedly broke.

She forced herself to her feet, keeping as much weight off of her left ankle as possible. She attempted to go up the incline only to find it was far too steep for her to just walk back up.

"There has to be somewhere I can climb up at." Boscha thought to herself.

She turned left and began to limp beside the bottom of the incline, looking for a place she could possibly climb up at.


Mr. P and Dr. Lazarus Talveraz went into the woods after Boscha. Mr. Park had said he'd stay home, so if Willow came home before they returned, he could explain to her what had happened.

"Boscha?! Can you hear me?!" The dark-skinned maned yelled out for the girl.

There was no response as he continued into the woods. Dr. Talveraz was in deep thought as they went deeper into the woods. They would be running after her, but the multitude of things that could go wrong, halting them in their expedition to find her, were too heavy a price.

They needed to find her and have the ability to get her home, even if she is injured. Mr. P let out a long, frustrated sigh. This girl was important to him. Not only because she was his future daughter in law but because she made his daughter happier. Her disappearance wouldn't only harm Willow; it would hurt all the people who went to save her.

They continued to walk, listening for any extra steps or snapping twigs. They stopped at an incline. Mr. P's heart skipped a beat. What if she had fallen down the slope? The girl had been running and crying! No doubt she couldn't see this slope. She would've rolled down it. However, if she had, then she was okay, for there was no person below this slope. He looked to the left then the right.

Or maybe she was just okay enough to get herself away from where she landed...

The man shook his head. Both men carefully made their way down the incline.

"She could've gone a few different directions. Left, right, or forward." Dr. Talveraz stated simply.

"Boscha!" Mr. P once again yelled her name.


Boscha was leaning against a tree. Her adrenaline had completely worn off, and she was tired. Hearing someone call her name, she listens for a moment. She waits to see if they'll speak again.

"Boscha. Can you hear me?" The voice was faint but loud enough for her to make out the words.

She simi-recognized the voice as Mr. P's.

"I can hear you!" She called back, voice cracking.

There was no response in return, so she began to limp in the direction she had come from, knowing that's where he was. However, her right leg gave out from all the extra strain. She went to the ground. She landed upon her right arm, and her left ankle twisted, send a shockwave of pain through her already broken bones. She screamed out in pain.


The second Mr. P had heard the pink-haired witch's response, he darted in the direction he heard her voice come from. Dr. Talveraz ran right behind him.

After hearing a pained scream, they picked up their pace.

She finally came into their view after the weaved past multiple trees. The poor girl was struggling to get herself back to her feet.

"Stop being pathetic and work through the pain!" She all but screamed at herself.

"Hey, hey, none of that." Mr. P told her as he knelt beside her. He helped her into a sitting position.

Dr. Talveraz drew a circle, and a staff appeared in his hands. The palisman was a Quetzalcoatl. It wrapped perfectly around the entire staff, head pointing up towards the sky.

"You know how to fly a staff, right?" He asked Mr. P.

"Of course."

"Then take my staff and take her to the medical ward. I'll be fine walking back, but she needs medical attention ASAP." With that, he all but hurled himself up the hill to the top.

The dark-skinned man sat Boscha backward on the staff in front of him to provide her support since she could only use one arm. They took off to the healers.


School had ended. Willow walked through the door and saw her father on the phone.

"She broke her arm and her ankle?!" He basically screamed into the phone.

It was on speaker, so Willow could hear her other father speak.

"Yes. She won't stop apologizing for running off. She heard the healer say how much this is going to cost us." Mr. P sighed from the other side of the line.

"Wait... What happened?!" Willow asked.

Her father looked over at her. "Hold on, Willow's home." Putting the phone on hold, Mr. Park approached his daughter. "Boscha had a bit of an accident. She'll be fine, don't worry, pumpkin."

"I knew I shouldn't have gone to school..."

"I swear, you need to stop feeling responsible for what happens to Boscha." Her father sighed before hugging her. "You have done so much for her, pumpkin."

The plant witch hugged her father back.

"She'll be okay?"

"She'll be just fine. She and your father should be back soon."

About an hour later, The front door opened. Mr. P pushed Boscha inside on a wheelchair.

Willow, who had been at the dining room table, stood up and approached her friend. The pink-haired witch looked up at her. Upon seeing the worry, guilt, and concern on the plant witch's face, she looked down.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled.

Suddenly, the three-eyed witch found herself wrapped in Willow's arms.

"You have no reason to be sorry." She whispered.

"But-" Mr. P put his hand on her shoulder, silencing her. "It's okay, Boscha." 
... So... I'm a bad child... I've started writing another fanfic when I told myself not to... so ya know... Shame on me... I'm not going to post it... yet... I kinda have to force myself not to work on it... And that sucks... but like that's also kinda off-topic for my outro... or maybe not? I have too many Boschlow fanfic ideas... Also other owl house ships... but don't mind that... I must admit I have zero Lumity shipping ideas because it is one of my least fav ships... 

[insert my readers booing in the background because I'm not a Lumity fan. Also, insert Amity glaring at me as I ship Luz with other people and pretty much leave her out of all the ships]

Yeah.... Anyway... here is my shitty attempt at writing... I think all the stress I'm under is making it harder and harder to write and slowly making my writing worse... I am kinda mad at myself... I've been writing for over eight years(wasn't on Wattpad for a long time of that) So I'm ashamed my writing is so shitty... but whatever... 

Anyway, enough ranting! Have a wonderful day and know you're all loved oh so very much!

Word- 1175

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