chapter thirteen

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They make it to school just in time. The bell rings, signaling them all to go to class. Amity waves goodbye to everyone as she heads to her class.

Luz, Gus, Willow, and Boscha walk into their class. They each go to their seats. Class begins and ends rather quickly. The four friends leave the class. Boscha waves goodbye because her class is on the other side of the school.

A few students make fun of her, but she ignores them to the best of her abilities.She gets to her class and does her work.

Lunchtime rolls around, and Boscha walks out of her class, smiling. She couldn't wait to have lunch with the others. Was she supposed to have lunch with them?

They were here friends now... Did that mean she could go eat with them? Did they want her to? There was really only one way to find out.

She continued to the cafeteria, but someone stepped in her way.

"I guess we didn't beat you well enough last time, huh?"

"W-we can t-talk ab-about this, r-right?" Boscha's heart was hammering. She was terrified of the guy in front of her.

"I don't think I wanna. Your stuttering is awfully annoying." Zavier laughed.

"P-please, I- I d-don't want t-to fight." Boscha began to cry. She was overly sensitive at the moment.

"Aw, look Z, she's already crying." A girl laughed. "But, don't worry, Boscha, I'm the one looking for a rematch."

Boscha turned around and saw Milly smirking at her.

The former grudgby player couldn't respond, for the illusion track girl lunged at her, tackling her to the floor.

The girl attempted to do what Boscha had done about a week ago. She straddled the girl's waist and punched her in the face. However, the former star was able to push Milly off of her rather easily.

Boscha got to her feet and darted past Zavier quickly. The muscular guy and the illusion witch ran after her.

She managed to run into the cafeteria, Zavier hot on her trail. Once he caught up to her, he grabbed her by the hair, yanking her back.

She yelps in pain, causing everyone to turn to the scene. The guy slams her into the floor.

"She just wanted a rematch! Why are you such a fucking chicken?! FIGHT HER." He screamed at her, pulling her back up to her feet and shoving her towards Milly.

"Hey!" Luz called out from her spot at the table.

Willow, Gus, and Amity were standing up with her.

"Leave her alone, you jerks." The anger was clear in the latina's voice.

"Why? She was a bitch to those she saw as weaker." Milly laughed, pushing Boscha back into Zavier.

"Yeah, she deserves to suffer!" He exclaimed as he raised his fist.The three-eyed witch looked back at him. Upon seeing his fist, she raised her arms to shield herself.

"Stop!" Willow cried out, drawing a circle and grabbing the guy's arm with a thorny vine. The thorns dug into his skin.

"Fuck, are you on her side? She was a fucking bully to you and your friends!" He was clearly angry.

Boscha lowered her arms. She looked at the vines then at Willow. She starts to make her way over to her friend but is stopped by Milly.

"I'm not letting you go anywhere!" She growled, grabbing her arm and pulling her back. Boscha yanked her arm out of Milly's grasp and quickly made her way over to her friends. "Wait, all of you forgave her after everything she did!" Zavier was in disbelief.

"Yes, we did," Willow replied, making the vines release his arm.

"She doesn't deserve it! She said terrible things all weekend about everyone!" He hissed. 

"You know, a guy named Closoph said something very similar at the market the other day," Amity recalled.

"Well, yeah! Anyone could tell you the terrible things she was saying!" He threw his arms up, then lowered them before slipping them into his pocket.

He slipped them out again, hiding one behind his back. Suddenly everyone started to grow angry.

"She deserves to suffer! She's a horrible person that picks on the weak!" He called out, making those in the cafeteria angry.

They began to yell hateful and hurtful words at Boscha. The three-eyed witch covered her ears to block it all out. She fell to her knees, crying.

But, the effects only works if the artifact is unnoticed. To make things more complicated on the user, the artifact cannot work if the gem is covered.

Gus leans over and whispers something to Willow. The plant witch nods. She draws a small circle, and a vine comes up from the ground behind Zavier. The plant wraps around his hand and pulls it from behind his back for everyone to see.

Multiple people recognized the ring instantly. They become silent and stare at the ring on Zavier's finger. The kind of tool on his hand was outlawed in the boiling isles. All focus was on him now. He growled angrily.

He tore the vine off his arm and lunged forward, shoving Willow and Gus to the side. He grabbed Boscha by the throat and pushed her back against the floor.

He punched her in the face with the hand that had the ring. The gem cut into her skin. There was a sudden weight on top of him, and he was in a chokehold. He grabbed the dark arm around his neck and flung Luz over his shoulder.

"Abomination rise!" He heard Amity call out. He looked up to see the Blight and her abomination. "Abomination-" Amity was cut off by Milly.

The illusion track girl tackled her.

Suddenly, a shadow fell over Milly and Zavier. They both turned to see Willow, her eyes glowing green. Two thick, green, thorn-covered vines went down and wrapped around the attackers. They were hurled across the cafeteria, crashing into the wall.

Her eyes become normal again, and the vines retreat back into the ground.

She turned around to face her friends. Luz and Amity had recovered quickly, but Boscha remained on the floor, stunned.

Amity sat the three-eyed witch up, and Luz used a healing glyph to take care of the cut on her cheek.

"Boscha, you okay?" Luz asked, waving her hand in front of the girl's face.

The potion witch snapped out of her dazed state. "Y-yeah, I'll be fine."

"If you say so." Luz sighed.

Boscha got to her feet, dusting herself off. She offers her hands to Luz and Amity, who are still on the floor.

They smile and take her hands; she pulls them to their feet.

"You only won this time because you had help!" Zavier yelled as he stood from the ground. "Know, I'll kick your ass next time! Just like I did before!"

"You will do no such thing." Principal Bump growled as he walked into the cafeteria. "You two, come with me." He demanded.

The two trouble makers stood and followed Principal Bump out of the lunchroom.

The five friends sat down at their table. The students in the cafeteria began to talk again. Luz was focused on talking with Gus and Willow about human things. Boscha watched as Amity opened her scroll.

The Blight's face turned red, and the scroll vanished from her hands. She looked over at Boscha, who laughed slightly. The green-haired witch glared at her, and she stopped.

"What happened?" Luz asked Amity.

"N-Nothing." She said in a more high-pitched voice than usual.

"You sure? Your face is all red."

This caused Amity to blush more. "Y-Yep, in fact, I have to go do some more work!" She got up quickly and pretty much ran away from them.

"Okay, spill, what'd you send her?" Willow whispered to Boscha.

The three-eyed witch pulled out her scroll and showed her the picture from last night. Willow smiled at the picture. "Aw, no wonder she reacted that way."

"Yeah." Boscha giggled a little.

They continued to laugh and talk for the rest of lunch. When the bell screamed, they all headed to their classes.

Thank you all so much for your love and support through this story. I appreciate all the positive comments and great feedback a receive. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Have a wonderful day everyone and know that you are loved.

words- 1350
published 10/9/20

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