Chapter 10

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UA grounds.| Out of boredom.|

The class 1A has gone to continue on with their studies and their classes for the day. Leaving Iriya's group to have the dorms to themselves.

Despite having the day to rest, each teen have other ideas in mind.

Kaen slouch in his seat, letting out a dramatic sigh that no one acknowledges. With a second try, the red haired-male prolongs his sigh as his twin grant his attention.

"Is there a reason to why you're sighing so much?" Shojiki ask his twin.

"Yes, I am bored. Staying in the dorms is making me hard to breathe. Let's go do something, anything." Kaen whined.

Seiji set his plate in the sink, cleansing the extra dishes in while listening to his friend.

Sora lean over the couch beside Kaen with a playful smile, "What do you suggest we do?"

Kaen turn his head towards Sora, "I don't have any plans in mind besides doing something that involves all of us."

Raiden chew then swallow the food in his mouth, "Should we go to the mall? Before anyone disagrees, I'll pay!"

Isamu shake his head, his arms crossed across his chest with a slight frown, "I don't think our fathers would like the sound of their children going out in public."

"Especially since this is not in our time. It's not safe to roam off since their fight with the league of villains." Iriya reason, later mumbling words under his breath.

With a few minutes of silence, Kiyomi stand before the group with a smile.

"Why don't we train?" Kiyomi suggested.

Isamu, Sora, Raiden, and Kaen jump from their seats and brings Kiyomi in a hug, "That's a great idea! But where?" Kaen ask.

Luca pull the happy males off their female friend, Kiyomi giggling by their energy.

"We train on one of the fields in the academy." Kiyomi spoke.

Iriya nod by the suggestion, "I agree but let's ask permission from Principal Nezu."

"Yeah that's great and all, but whose going to tell him?" Raiden pointed to the relaxed spiky blonde friend of theirs.

Kazan has his eyes close, resting but fully conscious. Iriya walk toward his friend and lightly call out to him. No response. Going for a second attempt, Kazan open his eyes, daring Iriya to annoy him further. Iriya shut his mouth and give space for Kazan to stand.

After a few stretches, Kazan face the others with a frown.

"Well, what are you all waiting for? Let's go!" Kazan raise his voice a bit at the end of his sentence.

Iriya and the others nod. All preparing for their training, Isamu smirk and face his friends. The others giving Isamu a confused look and some glancing over with concern.

"Last one to the office, dislike their mom's cooking." Isamu let out a maniacal laugh, getting a head start.

"Hey, no fair!" Raiden shout as they all charged forward.

[|«Class 1A, in the middle of a lesson.»|]

Mr. Aizawa is peacefully sleeping in his cocoon bag despite the class being a bit loud. After giving the students a small exercise to work on in groups, it was lights out for Aizawa.

During their discussions, they hear loud thunders of footsteps, things breaking, and even shouting going on in the hallway.

All going to the entrance to their classroom, Deku slide the large door open as the whole class look outside. All looking down the hallway to see what look like a rampage going on.

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