Chapter 6

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UA grounds; Medic room.| Recover.|

Both group that last in the arc are held in the medic room being healed by recovery girl. It's ironic, all a blur to Deku's group. They couldn't remember what happen during their training. All they have memory of is being beaten by Iriya's group.

Iriya's group may have won the training but they took most of the damage. Recovery girl couldn't heal all of them. She only healed Deku's group, Seiji, Isamu, and Raiden. Iriya, Kazan, and Shojiki were the only ones in bed. No sign of them waking up.

"Please heal. Keep fighting to stay with us." Isamu sent a silent prayer while holding Kazan's left hand.

Seiji pull Iriya's cover up to his waist so he won't be cold, "You did well, Midoriya."

"We did it, Sho! We show our old man our combat moves. He would be so proud of you." Raiden tell Shojiki with a wide smile on his face.

When they were healed and are able to move, they immediately went to their friends to see how they were doing. They were upset but stayed positive. They refuse to leave their side until they open their eyes.

While this was happening, the class of 1A were outside the door listening to their heartwarming words. The fathers of the unconscious kids felt a new emotion bloom in their chest. Like a father connection kicking in their system.

Deku open the door as the class all pile in. Watching Deku walk to Iriya's side, placing his bandage hand on top of Iriya's right hand.

"I'm sorry for hurting you. We all are." Raiden breathe out, his tone shaky as tears pour from his closed eyes.

The class watch with sympathy, their heart twinge in pain seeing the group before them cry.

Isamu wipe his eyes but it was no use. Tears just keeps streaming down as the pain in their chest grew worse.

"Please forgive us. We didn't mean to go overboard." Seiji sniffles, eyes meeting the class then over to his father.

Deku give a small smile, "You all did well. You're forgiven."

Isamu cried even more, not believing how his uncle could just forgive them so easily.

"Thank you, uncle. I now know why everyone look up to you. You have a heart of gold." Isamu wipe his tears and give Deku a smile.

Kirishima walk up to his son and pull him into a hug, "It's okay, buddy! If anything, I'm proud of you. I raised a manly child." Kirishima pinch Isamu's cheek whilst Isamu's cheek start matching his hair color.

Kaminari land a firm slap on Raiden's back as the male lean forward by the action. Kaminari smile and ruffle his son's hair, little blue and yellow sparks going through his hand and the sky blue male's hair.

Iida clear his throat as Seiji watch what his father would do. Iida was awkward and profusely sweating. No one blame him. It was still a surprise and new area for him to be a father, at the moment.

Seiji see his father's trouble and just hug his father. Iida was shock but complied and wrap his arms around his son. All fathers enjoying their moment.

"What the hell is this sappy moment?" A rough and deep voice croak having everyone's attention.

"KAZAN!" Isamu and Raiden shout in relief.

Isamu pull out of his father's embrace. Raiden push his father to the rest of his classmates, going to Kazan's side.

Isamu wrap his hand on Kazan's left hand, Raiden doing the same for Kazan's right.

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