Chapter 16

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UA grounds; Dorms.| I hate it here.|

On this hot, sunny day, Iriya's group stayed in the dorms, gathered in the common room while the class of 1A continue on with their studies at the academy.

"There must be some way to get back to our time. Worst case scenario, we might cause a glitch or not exist at all." Seiji spoke, fingers pressed together like Uraraka.

Raiden drink his cup of tea, placing it down, and adjust himself to sit up straight. Isamu beside him tuning in on the conversation.

"I know that it's not healthy for us to stay here but guys, we finally get to spend valuable time with our fathers! This is what we're missing." Raiden input, looking around to see some nodding their head.

Luca tilt his head, taking what Raiden said and thought about it, "I see no difference with my situation. Even though my father is not here, it's still the same treatment back home."

The group give their lycan friend a sympathetic look. Kiyomi hug Luca's left bicep, placing her head against it.

"We're sorry to hear that, Luca. Is there anything we could do to help?" Seiji ask.

"No. It's best if I deal with this alone." Luca spoke in a low tone.

"We're always here for you. You don't have to suffer alone, Luca." Isamu strike his chest with a nod.

Kaen move forward from his seat, "What Isamu said. Why don't you try an talk it out with your dad? Face to face."

Luca turn his head towards his red-haired friend, "It's not that simple. Our relationship is complicated." Luca finished off, wanting to leave the subject alone and not talk about it.

"You know what's weird.." Sora question, his hands pressed together as he lean forward.

"We've been here for how long and we never bother to find a way back home. Are our friends and parents worried? Are they doing something on the other side to get us to return?"

"I hate it here." Kazan deadpanned.

"Now we're doing something about it, but are we truly going to go through with this? Do we really want to go back? Be honest." Raiden ask around.

"It's great that we have the chance to spend some time with our fathers but it's best we return to our time." Shojiki answered honestly.

"I agree with Shojiki-kun. I miss our friends and family back home." Kiyomi pout by the thought of their family being worried sick about their disappearance.

Iriya nod, "Yeah. Tenjin-kun is probably going to stress over the situation."

Kazan's squad, besides Kazan, chuckle by the thought.

Tenjin was like the 'father' of the group along with Seiji being the 'mother' of the group. Tenjin would always scold the group when they did anything out of hand.

"My guess, he's going to do something out of the ordinary. Something he wouldn't do just to get us back." Kaen chuckle, already having crazy scenarios playing in his head.

"I know Tenjin-kun wouldn't do such a thing that many of you are thinking. He's responsible and suitable to handle the situation with ease." Seiji says otherwise to Kaen's claim.

"Aww, whatever you say Sei-mom! Look at him always defending Ten-dad." Raiden coo as Kaen, Isamu, Sora, Luca, and Kiyomi laugh.

"I will not tolerate that kind of behavior, Raiden! You're supposed to be a good role model towards Kiyomi-Chan!" Seiji raise his voice, making chopping hand gestures.

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