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As Sooyoung walked up the well kept walk of the Jang household she couldn't help but be impressed by the home once again. It's lawns seemed impossibly tidy. Not a twig or leaf in sight, despite the tall trees overhanging the property. It must take a hell off a garden staff to keep this large property looking like this. When she arrived at the door she looked at herself in the reflection of the clean glass on the door. This event was definitely the most high profile one she'd ever been to and she needed to look the part if she wanted to take advantage of the situation. She took a deep breath and picked up the swan shaped knocker before dropping it on the large double door. After a moment the door swung open and Jang Chulsoo stood behind them. At first he had a gracious and welcoming smile on his face but when he seemed to process who was behind the door he looked quite annoyed.

"Ah Sooyoung, welcome! it's a pleasure to have you"
he said in a voice that suggested otherwise.

Sooyoung wasn't sure why he said 'we' as Jiwoo wasn't anywhere in sight but she returned his bow and responded.

"No no sir, the pleasure is all mine, I'm honored you thought of me. I brought a bottle of wine! I hope it lives up to your tastes"

Sooyoung handed Mr. Jang the bottle she brought and although it was the most expensive one she could afford, she could see from his expression that it did not 'live up to his tastes'

"thank you so much, this looks perfect."
he lied
"Why don't you come on in, I'm sure my wife is eager to talk to you, since she insisted I invite you"

Mr. Jang spoke bitterly as he begrudgingly moved to the side, revealing his surroundings. Behind him a large foyer with marble floors and large windows was full of socialites and corporate goons, all with rich's Sooyoung couldn't even conceptualize. Classical music played throughout the room while the sounds of layered voices fought with it.

There was a long buffet table at the back of the room and as sooyoung walked into the large room and towards the table she began to make out the food on it. It seemed to be a wide range of food, all plated beautifully, obviously professionally made.

She looked around the room for Jiwoo. Had Jang Chulsoo said she insisted she was invited? That sure was strange... But Sooyoung wouldn't complain.

Ah there she was. She stood in the corner of the room, watching the conversing groups of people around her, her face suggesting that of a lost puppy. Sooyoung realized that Jiwoo probably knew just as few people here as Sooyoung did. Maybe that's why she had insisted upon her presence; she just didn't want to be alone.

Sooyoung walked quickly to the buffet table and poured two glasses of expensive white wine. Eating all of this fancy food was just another way Sooyoung would take advantage of her invite to this posh party.

After she got the glasses of wine she looked down and shifted in her shoes, working up the courage to walk over to Mrs. Jang. Of course she knew Jiwoo was married but she couldn't help the fact that pretty girls made her nervous. And it didn't help that there was definitely something off about Jiwoo...

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