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Jiwoo looked at herself in the wide mirror with dismay. She saw in the mirror Jang Jiwoo. The white turtleneck, covering bruises left by her husband in anger, The sad look in her eyes.

When Jiwoo had married him, he'd been different. She'd been different too.

Back then he'd loved her. At least he made it seem like he did. But she guessed it had all been an act. Because as soon as their honeymoon ended, she'd had to dawn the turtleneck.

Maybe that's why she didn't love him anymore. Because he hit her. Or maybe she never had. Maybe she was just wooed by the riches and the private planes and the fancy dinners. Or maybe she was wooed by the affection. No one had spent much money on her growing up. No one really showed her affection. Until Chulsoo came along. But it was different now.

Everyday she woke up and he would go to work. She would prance around the house all day and wallow in her daydreams. Eventually he'd come back home and hit her. Just hard enough to leave a mark. Just hard enough to claim her like a trophy. But he didn't treat her like a trophy. He treated her like an unwanted pet that was just cute enough to show off to his friends.

She certainly regretted it now. But what could she do? She was too scared to tell him she wanted a divorce. She was too scared to say most things.

And as much as she hated you say it, she'd grown accustomed to this lifestyle and she didn't want to lose it.

just then the landline rung beside her.

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